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I walked around with my friends, Chloe and Sandra. We didn't really wanna ride anything we just wanted to hang out. Well because we all live in different places now.

"Chloe isn't that Dakota" Sandra pointed over to a guy in an orange shirt

"Yea, he my ex. He keeps trying to ask me out but I won't do it" Chloe explained

"Dakota!" I called, laughing afterward

He turned around realizing it was us and made his way over. Him and Chloe played around and talk while Sandra and I stood there bored

"I should've done that" I laughed to Sandra

We started to walk off but not to far before Jacques wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Hey, Y/n" he greeted

"Oh hey, jacques" I smiled

"Well are you gonna give me my hug?" I laughed wrapping my arms around his waist

"So what's going on?" Jacques, chuckled, walking with us

"Oh nothing, we were just walking around. Oh! I need to get my ring from Zach" I mentioned, Jacques' eyes widened as he looked down at me

"Your boyfriend?"

"How you gone be that quick to assume" Sandra spoke

I laughed a little, looking around. Jacques' phone began to ring, so he answered it. As he talked to whoever, Sandra and I walked away, passing some guys who looked familiar.

"Was that Justin?" I asked

We turned around eyeing the guys who just passed us.

"Yea that's Justin" I whispered

"Justin!" Sandra called

My head snapped to her direction, staring her down. I gave her the what the hells wrong with you look. Justin made his way over to us, a smile placed onto his face

"Hey" I smiled

"What's up, Y/n I haven't seen you in forever" he smiled

"Same here, so what you been up to?" I asked

"Nothing much, you know, the usual" I laughed as he poked my side

Sandra and I talked to Justin, joking around and laughing. He would wrap his arms around me everyone in a while, smiling down at me.

"Well, I gotta go. My little brother needs to be dropped off at home" Justin spoke


Justin placed his hands on my waist pulling me to him. His soft plump lips connected to mine, moving in a rhythm. I felt my heart rate increase as his tongue slid across my my bottom lip. I accepted him letting his tongue explore my mouth, once he pulled away, he smiled, pecking  my lips again.

"Call me" he said, before walking away

I turned to Sandra and her eyes were wide. Behind her if seen that Chloe's jaw was dropped.

"You are the luckiest girl ever" Sandra spoke

"I know, right" I mentally screamed in my head

End notes

I hope u liked this one. Vote and comment what u think about it.
I just came back from this pioneer thing and this literately happened!!!

Sorry for any mistakes...


Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin