"You mean Lady Gaga's boyfriend???"

And he started laughing!!! How dare him!!

"This isn't funny Redmayne!!!"

I signaled Patt for another shot.

"Well mate it is kind of funny! You're jealous of this guy who is dating Lady Gaga????"

"You don't know Macarena"

Now his laughing stopped.

"No mate! Apparently YOU don't! That girl loves you and she would never do that to you, that Kinney man is no competition to you. What's going on mate? Why are you doubting yourself or your girl?"

"How do you know him?"

"Friends in common. Don't try to distract me, I know what you're doing. You haven't answered me because you don't even have an answer. You are not jealous of this dude, there's something else going on and when you're ready to tell me, I'll be here to listen. Now stop drinking your sorry ass and go home"

I was on my fourth shot, and I wasn't feeling a bit better. I hung up the phone and asked Patt for another round.

"Love troubles?"

He asked, by his accent I could tell he was from Dublin.

"Is there a better reason for a lad to drink his pain away?"

"Probably not, but my question is why would a lad like you be having lassie troubles?"

"She's a special one"

I pressed the unlock button on my phone so I could show him my screen protector which is a picture of Maca and I smiling in Holywood, she has her hair loose and she's radiant, I remember my dad took that picture and afterwards he said that she was a keeper and for me not to screw it up.

"She looks like a keeper"

"She is"

"Then why are you here talking to an old man like me and you are not home making sweet love to her?"

My cock twitched at this comment, I guess my buddy down there misses her too.

"I'm upset because in a few weeks we'll be apart for two months and I don't know if she will wait for me. She's very beautiful and I know men will be throwing themselves at her feet and I'll be too far away to prevent her from falling for another lad"


There's another hummmm sound, these people are annoying!!!

"I don't know your lassie but by the picture I can tell that she loves you, I doubt she'll be falling for another lad in such short period of time"

"She fell for me in less than a month"

"Well boy, if you have so many insecurities is because you don't feel she loves you that much"

"No, that I have no doubt. I know she loves me. I don't know why though."

I downed my fifth whiskey and tapped the glass to indicate I wanted another one. Patt indulged me but he looked as if trying to say something.

"Ye know, love is a funny thing, the only thing we want is to find that someone to love us endlessly, but when we find it, we doubt it because it might be too good to be true. And you my mate are having doubts because this beautiful girl fell in love with you in a short period of time and she might do it with another lad. I think you're not only underestimating her but mostly yourself, you should have a better opinion of yourself, if she loves you for real, and if it's meant to be, there's no distance, time or lad that can take her away from you, and in the meantime, you concentrate in making her happy"

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