WSWYTMITHMY?!?!?! - Chapter 45

Start from the beginning

"So the baby's due date will be December 23." The doctor told us, smiling. "A christmas baby."

"A Christmas baby." I said smiling. I looked to Brennen again to see he was staring at me smiling too.  "We're having a Christmas baby."

"I know love, I can't wait." Brennen said kissing my cheek.

Brennen then acted all profession in front of the doctor, talking to him about what to expect the next few months. I couldn't help but laugh.

When he finally shut up, we got in his car and drove back home. I turned on the radio and started playing with the stations. That "Hello" song came on and I couldn't help but dance and sing along, it's just so freaking catchy! I was laughing along with Brennen, but then he got serious.

"Ness, maybe you shouldn't be moving so crazy, we don't want to hurt the baby or you." He said. I just stared at him. "What?" He asked confused while looking at me and the road.

"I'm only dancing, I'm not going to hurt our baby." I told him, turned the radio back on, and started dancing again. "And don't tell me the next few months you're not going to let me do anything." I semi-teased with him although I had a feeling he'd have me on bed rest in two months.

"Of course I'll let you do stuff, just a little more...carefully." He said and I immediatly gave him the are-you-serious look. Brennen then smiled, "Kidding."

"That wasn't funny." I said even though I was smiling. "Are we finally ready to tell your family?" I asked while getting out of the car. Brennen smiled and took my hand leading us to the front door.

When we got in Brennen took my jacket and hung it along with his in the cloakroom. We then walked to the kitchen where there was an intercom for around the house. Brennen pressed the button and spoke into it.

"Hey we're back, can everyone come down to the family room? Vanessa and I have some news for everyone." He said smiling to me, then walked us to the family room. Within two minutes everyone was squeezed together trying to sit on the couches and not the chairs. Brennen's mom, younger brother and sister, Stella and Ryan, Stella's mom and dad, and Stella's brother and his mate.

"Okay so..." Brennen started but I knew he would want to talk for a while and I was just too excited to Wait.

"I'M PREGNANT!" I annonced excited. Everyone stood up smiling and came over and hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Janice, Brennen's Mom told us give both me and Brennen a hug. I laughed and hugged her back.

"Oh my god! Brenny's gonna be a Dad!" Stella teased me before giving me a hug. Following behind her was Ryan who eyed me down as I hugged his mate. I mentally chuckled. Then he smiled to Vanessa and bent down to hug her. I eyed him and Ryan nodded and pulled away. Ryan was a pretty cool dude, I haven't been able to really hang out with him. Stella and him got back from France last monday and I've been so busy with Vanessa and the pack.

My Mom came over to me with tears in her eyes and hugged me.

"You're Dad would be so proud of you, Bren." She whispered in my ear. I stiffened for a few seconds. My mind went blank and I started thinking again that I should have protected my father better in that battle, if I had just stayed left like he told me, he would have been here today celebrating with us. Vanessa must have noticed my change of atmosphere, and pulled me into the bathroom while everyone sat down for dinner.

"Are you okay?" She asked me as she turned around after locking us in the bathroom. I nodded and pulled her into a hug. She always makes me feel much better. Vanessa hugged me back and rubbed my back soothingly. "I love you, and I'm 100% positive Alpha Kaeden would be so happy for us. And I know he'd be totally thrilled to see how great of an Alpha you're going to be." She told me. I kissed her head but didn't let go. I won't let her see me showing any weakness, she deserves better. Vanessa tried to pull back but I kept her in my arms.

"I miss him so much." I annonced, my voice cracking a little at the end. Vanessa pulled away and I let her see me. I just wanted to see her face, maybe that would cheer me up.

"Oh baby, I know I know, but you know he's so proud of you." She told me as she wiped my face tear free. I smiled down to her, and kiss her on her lips.

"We should go out there before they realize we're gone." I said starring into my mate's beautiful eyes.

"They can wait. If you want to talk to me you can." She said so kindly. I smiled and grabbed her hand.

"We have the whole night." I said, while I grabbed her hand and walked us out to our awaiting dinner party.



"Ethan! Ethan!" I yelled excited as I jumped on his lap. Ethan smiled and put his arms around my waist.

"What what what?" He joked. I laughed and pulled out my phone to show him Stella's text.

"Brennen's having a baby!" I screamed so happy for him. Ethan laughed and grabbed my phone.

" No way, Brennen?" He asked smiling. "Whoa tell him I say congrats!"

"Laaammmeee." I teased him while replying to Stella, but Ethan grabbed my phone and placed it on the coffee table.

" Oh you think I'm lame?" He asked while picking me up off his lap and placing me on the couch. Ethan got up and stood in front of me and played a song on his Ipod. I started cracking up as I noticed what he was going to do. Now don't get me wrong, I'm totally head over heals in love with him, but he is absolutely terrible at dancing.

I laughed so hard as he tried to dance cool. He tried the worm, the charleston, the sprinkler, and even some things he just made up from the top of his head. By the end, I was begging for him to stop my stomach couldn't take much more.

Ethan stopped but came over to me and laid on top of me. He kissed me twice quickly and kissed my neck.

"Still think I'm 'laaammmmeeee'?" He asked kissing me quickly again. I smiled, about to say yes when he started tickling me.

"Ahhh Ethan SSTTTOPPP!!!" I yelled between fits of laughter. Ethan laughed but didn't stop.

"Am I lame?" He asked. I quickly shook my head, laughing my head off.

"No!" I yelled and hoped he'd stop but he didn't.

"Then what am I?" He said laughing at me.

"Amazingly awesome at everything!" I pretty much begged him. He smiled, stopped and kissed my lips.

"Am I hot?" He asked while smiling at me.

"Sexy." I joked and kissed him.


Hey guys! What's upppppppp? I know I said I wouldn't upload for a while because of what's going on in my life but hey I was totally in the mood to upload today! Whoohoo!






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