Chapter 40: Fake Your Death (final)

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One year later

"Don't be so nervous, you're gonna go down that aisle and marry that dude!" Layla spoke sternly. My nerves were through the roof. She was of course my maid of honour. My auntie Claire had came to walk me down the aisle. Usually it's supposed to be your father but we all know that isn't even considered an option. My aunt was going to check on how Luke was getting on, leaving me to let out my nerves with Layla , Ellie (Calum's girlfriend), Megan (Michaels girlfriend) and Bella (Ashton's girlfriend).

"Yeah Layla's right, you've been engaged for like over a year! You've both been waiting for this day, I mean we all have!" Ellie piped up as she curled my hair in loose ringlets. Then Claire burst through the door with Ashton.

I was still in my white robe with a pale face because I hadn't got my makeup done yet. My heart was beating even more in my chest.

"Well don't you look nice!" Ashton said with a hand in his hip which made me giggle because I always find it funny when people try to be serious and have their hand on their hip. Ellie then did little plaits at the side of my head and then Bella started my makeup while Megan tried calming down my own aunt who was a crying wreck. She was extremely emotional when it came to things like this, including her little niece growing up and taking the next step in her life.

"Aunt Claire calm down please, dear" I called over to her as Megan passed her another tissue.

Bella did an amazing job at my makeup, she did thin eyeliner with a cute little flick at the end. She did my eyebrows perfectly. The mascara made my eyelashes look even longer. The blusher was the perfect shade of pink. Over all I loved the look she did.

"Do you like it? I think I messed up the eyeliner, oh god, do you want me to do your eyeliner again?" She started talking really fast.

"No! God no, I love it! It's amazing!" I reassured her.

"Okay good, I feel better now!" Bella was adorable, she and Ashton were definitely meant to be together. Bella had gorgeous blonde hair and amazing popping green eyes. She was really small, smaller than all of us, she was about up to Ashton's shoulder which I found absolutely adorable so when she stood beside Luke it was pretty funny. When we first met and she saw Luke, she was wearing heels so she was up to at least his shoulder. But when she took her heels off that night she literally had to look up at him which made us all laugh.

Megan had black hair with blue highlights at the end which looked amazing! She , unlike Bella and Ellie, were in to most of the same bands as me and Layla and the boys were. She liked Green Day, All time low, My Chemical Romance, Nirvana etc. So when I found this out, I screamed. Literally. And that was kind of bad timing since we were at an awards show..

Then Ellie. She, next to Bella, was one of the most adorable people I have ever met. She has brown hair that is ombré into blonde and these hazel brown eyes that I always found fascinating. She had the cutest little giggle a bit like Ashton's. She usually dresses in skirts and cute tops. But when she finds something really funny she suddenly has this incredibly loud laugh that is infectious, making everyone around her laugh.

"It's time for the dress!" My aunt called out, making my heart beat faster, if that's even possible.

I went to the bathroom connected to my dressing room to change in to my dress which I instantly fell in love with. It was strapless with sequins on the torso and boob area and then it poofed out. Unlike practically all brides I didn't have the typical wedding shoes. Instead I'm wearing my white high top converse. My aunt didn't approve when I first told her but the girls loved the idea, laughing at it at first but then they knew me far too well by now to know I don't do heels often.

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