Chapter 29 || Its been a long time

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It's been a week. I still don't know who is behind this, and I'm not sure if I do. Because if I do ever find out it would mess with my life forever. My life has already been through enough and I'm not sure if I would be able to handle any more.

Why haven't they found me yet? I wonder if they're trying.. I wonder what they're doing right now.. My phones battery ran out of charge around 6 days ago. I just hope they find out where I am soon.

He's constantly on my mind, Luke. I just want him to hold me in his strong arms, telling me I'm okay. That I'm free from this horrible place. I haven't showered in so long. This person only gives me one small meal a day. I know I've became a lot skinnier.

They have me locked away in a dark room, there's no windows, it's just four grey walls, a broken wooden chair which was mouldy in the corner getting older every day.

I haven't spoke since I gotten here, at first I started to scream at whoever the hell is holding me hostage. Why are they doing this to me? Why? What have I ever done to anybody? Did I really deserve this, being held away in a strange, cold , dark place?

I heard a deep chuckle coming from the door. I backed away even if I had nowhere to go. I didn't know who this person is, and I'm scared to find out who it is.

The door knob twisted, making a creaking noise as the person on the other side twisted it slowly more.

They walked in with a black mask over their head. My breath hitched as they took it off, my heart felt like it stopped working.

"I finally have you the way I want." The voice that was all too familiar to me, spoke.

"Why are you doing this." I spat.

"You used to be such a good little girl, you're my daughter and you've been a bad girl." I can't believe it was my own father holding me captive like this, how can someone do this to their own daughter? Ever since he began drinking and abusing me those years ago, he's became a physco.

He stepped closer towards me, slapping me across the face, kicking me in the stomach over and over.

"Stop!" I cried out, but he continued to punch and kick.. hard.

"This is for talking back to me!" He shouted, soon walking out of the room.

I lay down on the cold hard ground, clutching my stomach tight. I never wanted to feel this pain from him ever since the first time. But I should've knew better.

"Where are you Luke.." I whispered quietly, warm tears slipping down my cheeks.

We have stopped searching, the police are out looking for her. I was worried sick to my stomach and the only time I speak to the boys or Layla is when I'm asking if they have heard or found anything. I know they're worried about me but they shouldn't be. They need to be concentrating on finding her.

It's already been a week and Ive barely slept thinking about her. She's constantly on my mind.

The first day was confusing as hell, wondering where she is. I couldn't get any sleep, not one wink. Fans were tweeting as to why we were making tweets asking if anyone had seen Lola, but unfortunately nobody had. Some fans were giving her hate, which I hated to see.

The second day, was worse. Worse thoughts ran through my head and that's when I began to think she could is kidnapped. And the only person that I could think of was her father, he's done some really bad shit to her before and he's the only person that would do something like this for whatever sick reason he has in his sick mind.

The third day, we finally decided it was time to bring the police in to this. We explained the whole situation, her past with her father and how he's the only person that would do something like this, a they told us they will do everything they can to find her, but sometimes the police can't find a missing person.

The fourth day, was the day it all began I kick in. The possibility that maybe she could die or be dead, and the day I broke down. I took myself off to one of the rooms and cried myself to sleep.

The fifth day we all set out to do everything we can to find her. the police weren't much help and she needs to be found. We split up in to two groups. Me and Ashton, then Layla, Calum and Michael. We both drove to different places,keeping in touch with each other with walkie talkies.

The sixth day, we continued to go searching for her. And we knew we couldn't give up until she's safe and sound at home.

We had explained the kidnapping incident to our manager etc and he postponed the tour for month.

Today, the seventh day, Layla was getting sick. She was throwing up from stress, she was making herself sick.

"Layla, you can't keep doing this. You need calm-"

"If you tell me to calm down one more time Irwin I swear to god I will cut your own balls off and staple them to your forehead to make you look like a fucking unicorn." Layla screamed at Ashton, he looked at her with wide eyes as she sighed.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just so worried and scared for her. The fucking police aren't helping and it's been a week without her already!" Tears rolled down her face,

"Layla.. we'll find her. This is hard for all of us, she was our best friend too..she was my girlfriend.."

"Yeah and you made a big mistake out of that one didn't you Luke."

"Layla, now isn't the time to be bashing on Luke because of the past. We need to concentrate on Lola." she just nodded her head in agreement.

Six months later..

Today it's been another month. Six damn month I've been down here and they still haven't came for me. I'm pretty much anorexic now, and I'm starting to forget things about them. I miss them so much..

I know it's October. October 3rd. Why haven't they came for me yet?

I'm weak, I can just about walk. My stomach is bruised, badly. And I may have a few broken ribs. I heard the big door bang, knowing he was gone. This is the first time he's ever left. Maybe this is my chance to get out.


Hey guys! Hope you liked it:)


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