Chapter 25 || Just Give Me A Reason

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Hey guys, so I have a song for this chapter which is 'Let Her Go by Passenger'

Remember to comment! And vote! I love you:)


"Cara! Stop running round with no clothes on!" I couldn't help but laugh at the sentence which just came out of my mouth.

We were left on our own with Cara for the next hour until the boys were arriving after going to the studio all morning. Somehow , we all convinced Layla to come on tour with us since management allowed them to bring another friend. So thank the Lord I will have another girl on the road, other than Cara but she's just my baby.

"Need help there with the little princess?" Layla and I had made up our own nicknames for Cara, I called her my baby and Layla called her 'little princess' . I found it cute, because she was my little baby and Layla was always there helping me with her.

"Cara! I'll give you a cookie for every piece of clothing you put on!" Somehow, this was a normal thing for us to say now because Cara loved to strip and run round the house butt naked.

"COOKIES!" She squealed while running up the stairs and coming down wearing her white long sleeved shirt and some short dungarees which she couldn't quite button up yet.

"Help me muma!" She attempted to do the buttons, getting frustrated. I leaned down to her height and buttoned them up. She grinned up and me before slowly walking over to Layla.

"Auntie Layla.. cookies?" Layla cracked a smile, holding out her hand as they walked to the kitchen.

I managed to clean the house just before the door bell rang. Instead of me opening the door Cara ran straight for it..however she was so excited to open it to see who was there, she ran right in to the door. She turned round to us with a red mark starting to form in the middle of her head. I seen tears starting to form in her eyes and I picked her up and kissed her head where she bumped it. Layla opened the door, to reveal four boys who came inside.

"What happened to Cara?" Luke immediately rushed over seeing our daughter in tears.

"I RAN IN TO THE DOOR!" Luke's eyes widened, Michael couldn't contain his laughter.

"Mike! That's not funny!"

"No.. no it's not. Sorry Cara,"

"Am I gonna die?!"

"No! No baby of course not, and I hope you never do because I want you to live your life and do the things you want to do."

"I want more cookies." I laughed, carrying her still on my hip. I set her down as she chose her cookies.

"No more until tomorrow."


I left Cara with Luke while I went to get changed, we had decided that we would finally be going out again all of us, after 2 years. In all honesty..I was nervous. Nervous that people would come up to us and ask questions. The fans never found out I had a baby with Luke. They knew I had a baby because fans find everything out now, but Luke managed to not tell them that Cara was his.

I changed in to some black ripped shorts, a grey shirt with black sleeves. I put my hair in to a messy pony tail.

Layla came in with Cara toddling close behind.

''Muma! I drew this wif dada!'' She put the page in front of me. It was a picture of me, then Cara in the middle and Luke. We were both holding Cara's hands. She drew a big grin on her face, along on mine and Luke's faces. At the side it read 'I love you mummy, and now I love Daddy:)'

I knew how to read Cara's writing now, and I couldn't help but smile. I pulled her in to a tight hug.

''I'm happy you love daddy, my baby''


''Cara! What have I told you about running round the house stripping?'' Yet again , like always, I couldn't help but laugh. I raised this little human and Layla, and apparently what we've taught her is to run round the house in no clothes other than socks.

Luke sat on the sofa, laughing.

''Maybe if you take your-''

''Do you want your baby maker Hemmings?.'' His eyes widened, we weren't back together, so last time he saw me naked was when we made that little human, and then he left.

''Jesus, what's got you in such a cranky mood?''

''Don't test her boy!'' Layla knew my anger goes off very easily now, but of course how would anybody other than Layla know that?

''I'm just asking!'' He held his arms up in surrender.

''You don't listen, don't care , don't try. That's the reason and this is why. ''

''You just quoted Hey Violet! I knew you-''

''Luke! This isn't about them, I know they're amazing, and they're really lovely too. Because you've kept going on and on about how well you and Nia get along. I get it!''

Ever since Hey Violet opened for the boys, Luke grew a strong friendship with their drummer, Nia. Ever since he came back in to my life he's spoke about how Nia helped him when he didn't know what to do. However, I know I still have feelings for him. It took me almost up until Cara was 10 months old, to finally get over him. I know it took him a much shorter time to get over me, I mean.. he left. Because he didn't want to look after me and Cara.

''Hey.. I didn't mean it to upset you Lol..'' He hasn't called me Lol since the day he left.

It was just us in the room now, and I finally let everything out. I have held this in for 5 months. Any time I would see his face, my heart would shatter. They were becoming bigger than ever now, and I can't bare to know that any girl could steal him from me now. We are still broken up, and I'm sure he's probably had a girlfriend while being away.

''You left me, claiming you couldn't look after Cara! Yet you left me to look after her and luckily Layla stayed. Because I'm actually quite hurt Ashton was the only one to keep in touch with me. Not even Michael or Calum thought to text or call. So it's not just you in this situation. I don't blame Ashton for going with you, because I couldn't stop him from fulfilling his dream of being in a successful band. Damn, you're so big now.. One day I came home to Cara drawing a picture of her family, and you wanna know what she drew? She drew me and her and Layla. She told me 'I couldn't draw daddy because he doesn't love us muma. So I have Auntie Layla.' Our daughter, my little baby, thought you didn't love us! You don't Luke. You don't know what story she needs to have read to her before she sleeps, you don't know what time she needs a nap during the day, you don't know how to change a diaper! You don't know us claim to love us but we know that's the biggest lie you've ever told.''

Tears streamed down my face, quickly, I wiped them away. I will not be weak. I will not cry.

''Lola.. you have no idea how many times I wanted to come back to you.. how many times I thought about you and our child, how many fake smiles I had to put on during the shows for the fans, how many questions I got about you and why we broke up because we were the 'perfect couple'. What is that? What is the 'perfect couple'? because we're not broken , just bent. We can learn to love again. ''

''Can we Luke? Because you left me. You fudging-''

''You're always thinking of her.. even when you're angry and pissed at me.. you're always putting Cara first. She must mean the world to you.. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you these past 2 years. You have no idea how much I regret it.''

''We were kids Luke.. we still are. But it's time we grow up and think of the future.''

''What do you mean?''

''I don't know if I can forgive yet for what you did. It's far too early to forgive. I can forget and we can move past it.. but that does not mean I've forgave you.''

''And that's okay! As long as I can be part of yours and Cara's life.''

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