Chapter 24 || I Miss You

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The boys were supposed to be at their hotel, but told management they would be staying here. Well, they said an old friends house. Right now, I was putting Cara to bed.

''Muma, story!'' She held up her favorite book, it was mainly pictures, but she loved it.

I climbed in beside her, putting my arm over her shoulder as her head lay on my chest.

I read the story to her softly, as she paid attention to every word and then pointed at the picture smiling. I smiled down at her, kissing her soft hair.

''I love you muma,''

''I love you too baby, always.'' She closed her eyes, but I stayed there to make sure she was fast asleep. But before I knew it, I was fast asleep beside Cara.


Cara was awake by 7am, after crying around 2am from her bad dream.

''Muma muma wake up!'' She jumped on the bed, squealing. This was going to be fun to see how the boys reacted to this. I was used to it, to the point where if I slept after 8am it was a lie in.

I picked Cara up on to my hip and in to the kitchen. I set her in the high chair and set her food in front of her as I fed her the food.

''Wanna watch Peppa Pig?'' Cara excitedly nodded her head. She was my excuse so I could watch Peppa Pig.

Cara rested her head in my lap, closing her eyes. She usually did this,after a few episodes of TV she will fall asleep on my lap again.

I slowly picked her up again, carrying her bridal style to my room. I lay her down in the bed, climbing in beside her. Her head was rested on my chest, light snores coming from her small lips.

Around an hour later she woke up yawning.

"Can we watch Peppa?" I smiled down at her before nodding. I let her guide me down the stairs holding my hand.

I heard footsteps walking above them down the stairs. I looked behind me to see Ashton standing against the door frame.

"What's up?" He grinned at me before sitting down beside me.

"You look after her so well, and you've only had one person to help you through all this. I'm sorry I wasn't here.."

"Ash, you don't have to say sorry. I understand that he's your best mate and you wanna be there with him and tour the world because I really couldn't be prouder."

"Cara's gonna grow up to be an amazing woman. Because she grew up with the best one of all."

I smiled at him as Cara came waddling back in from the kitchen.

"Should we tell her that Luke is her dad?"

"You can ask Luke when he's- and here he is!"

"What about me?" He rubbed his eyes looking confused as he was still just awake.

"Um, Luke? Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a sec?" He sleepily nodded his head at me stumbling to the kitchen.

"Do you want to tell Cara..about you being her father?"

"Yeah, I guess so"

"But..what about when you guys go on tour?"

"I already told you, you can come with us. Even Layla could join us when she gets back."

"How long is it on for?"

"Only another month, it's not that long."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang interrupting us. I walked over to answer it, pulling the door back.

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