Chapter 5 || listening

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It didn't take us long to get to Luke's house, 10 minutes actually. We didn't really talk much, simply because we had nothing to talk about. Once we got to his house, he got his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. A voice boomed from the kitchen.

"Luke is that you?!" It was a woman, his mother I assume.

"Yeah it's me mum." we made our way into the kitchen where his mum was.

"Mum, this is Lola. She's gonna be tutoring me in English. You never told me about this?"

"I know Luke I would've discussed it with you tonight but I never expected the school to find somebody so quickly! Sorry dear, I'm Liz! It's lovely to meet you and thank you for agreeing to this on such short notice! We both really appreciate it!" Luke's mum seemed like such a lovely woman.

"It's lovely to meet you too! The whole tutoring thing is really no problem, I love English actually so it works out!" I laughed, making Liz chuckle at me aswell.

Her phone started ringing, so she walked out of the room. Luke grabbed a packet of chips and grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs to his room.

"Listen, we aren't really going to be doing this whole tutoring thing, I don't need it." Luke lay down on his bed, his hands behind his head as he just stared at the ceiling.

"Fine by me." I didn't exactly want to tutor him, but I didn't want to say no. Especially when his mother was so nice about it all.

I started my maths homework sitting on the floor as Luke continued to stare up at his ceiling. That odd time he would sigh loudly.

Once I finished my homework, I sat there doing nothing.

"Listen, Luke. You seem like you don't want to bully me anymore, so why sit here sighing while looking at your ceiling like its the most interesting thing in the world instead of explaining to me why your getting on like this? I think I at least deserve an answer."

"I had a question earlier as well you know, what's going on at home that's so bad that I couldn't come over?" I sighed loudly just like he done before, banging the back of my head on the wall.

"That's quite a personal question isn't it?"

"So is why I've been bullying you." he fired back. I turned my head so I wasn't looking at him. I completely forgot about the bruise, my dad slapped me last night for no apparent reason, not that you need a reason when your a drunk. I had been hiding it with makeup and my hair. But by now I assume my foundation had come off. The thing that caught my attention was hearing Luke's gasp.

"Lo..lola? Who did that.." I heard him shuffle so he was now sitting In front of me on the floor.

"I don't wanna talk about it.."

"If someone's hurting you..fuck what am I even saying..i've been doing this to you for so long and I was stupid enough to not even notice what it was doing to you. Lola, look at me." His hand was on my cheek, but not to slap me. Just to make me look at him, his eyes were full of concern, I could tell. Ashton's eyes held the same look.

"If I tell promise you won't say a word to anyone? Because I'm trusting you with this. Not even Ashton knows this happens."

"I've stopped hurting you lol, I don't want to do anything to loose any ounce of trust I've earned from you. I promise I won't tell anyone, cross my heart." I laughed at the last part, making him smile.

"Last dad lost his job..he started drinking and well now it's out of control. He.."

"You don't have to finish..I understand."

"Thank you. For understanding.."

"Lol, I'm really sorry for doing everything I did to ever hurt you. You didn't deserve it. You were fighting your own battle, and well I singled you out and made your life even more of a living hell. I knew nothing about you and I don't even know why I picked you, I don't even know why I wanted to bully someone in the first place, it never meant to go this far I swear it. I dragged the only friends I have into it and they knew it was a really bad idea. I guess.. I was lost. I didn't know who I was, I still don't but I know I don't want to be this guy anymore. I don't want you to hate me lol."

He was looking down at his hands the entire time, and I didn't blame him. This was a hard thing to be saying at all. I guess we've learnt a thing about eachother today.



"I definitely do not hate you." He smiled at me.


Liz insisted I stay for dinner. I couldn't refuse really , she's a lovely woman.

"Lola, do you like spaghetti and meatballs?" She called from the kitchen.

"Yeah I'll eat anything!" I heard her laugh, and then pots and pans banging together.

"My mum really likes you, I can tell." we were sitting on the sofa watching some random TV show.

"I like her too, she's lovely!" I grinned, this was going much better than expected.

Hey lola, are you still with Luke? - ash x

Yeah, I'm at his house. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow? Still coming over to watch movies?

Wouldn't miss it for anything!

"Who's that?"

"It's just Ashton."

"Is he your boyfriend or something..?" Luke looked at me confused.

"No! We're just friends! I could never think of him that way! we've known eachother too long to think like that I guess."

"Doesn't look like it.."

Hey guys! New update woo! I'm fast damn


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I love ya😎

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