chapter 27 || The One That Got Away

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I woke up that morning beside Cara in her bed. She wriggled to get out of my grip, I moved my arm so she could get up. She was in her little blue onesy covered in penguins. It instantly reminded me of Luke. I sighed before I followed her, getting up.

'' 'mon muma!'' I laughed at her as she held her hand out for me to hold.

''How about we wake up the boys with auntie Layla?'' She grinned at me giggling. We walked to Layla's room finding her asleep and Ashton sleeping on the floor. His arm was over his head covering his face but I could instantly tell it was Ashton bby his sandy blonde hair.

''Lay.. Layla wake up.'' I shook her as she groaned in to her pillow.

''What do you want woman?!'' I giggled quietly as her eyes started to open.

''Let's wake the boys up since they came in here with drunk asses. Except for Ashton, he wasn't drunk. So therefor he gets the privilege to watch it without a headache.'' She laughed, agreeing instantly. We slowly woke up Ashton, and he laughed at the thought of waking up the boys while they're hungover.

''Who first?'' Layla looked at us both.

''Well who's the worst drunk?'' Ashton asked.

''Well, Michael was passed out so personally, I vote Michael.'' I said, raising my hand. Cara copied me by raising her tiny arm. We all voted for Michael first, then Calum and lastly Luke.

Michael was in the same spot Ashton and I left him. But before we could even speak, the doorbell rang. I looked at Layla and Ashton confused. I walked to door, opening it up.

Once I see who was there, I felt like throwing up. My chest tightens and I feel like there's a lump in my throat.

''D..Dad?! What the fu..DAD?!'' I scream. Cara's never met her grandpa, and I never really wanted her to. He didn't even know I was pregnant.

''Lola.. wow.. look how grown up you are. You look beautiful!'' he complimented, but I flinched back. He looked at me with sad eyes. I stared right back at him, hearing footsteps come behind me.

''Muma?'' Cara came toddling up to me. I picked her up in my arms still looking at my father.

''Is she..''

''Yeah. She's my daughter. Now why are you here? Why now? It's been over two years!'' I raised my voice, handing Cara over to Layla as she too her out of the room. I didn't want her to be there to see my scream, to cry.

''I thought it's been far too long.. I didn't even know you were pregnant Lol, I think I deserved the right to know that I'm a grandpa? Don't I?'' I laughed at him.

''You really think you deserve to be in my life never mind my daughters? because if that's the way you think then you're extremely messed up. If mum was here, she'd tell you to get the hell away from me. I'd still have a parental figure in my life. Cara would have a grandma.. I might still have a normal life.''

''You do have a norm-''

''Don't you dare. My life is not normal. Being abused by your father, being bullied in high school, being left to be a single parent should not have to be normal. Having to count on your best friend to help out with your child shouldn't have to be normal! Loosing your childhood best friend to his band and not hearing from your other best friends and your ex boyfriend for two years should not have to be normal. You don't know anything about me! You don't even know your granddaughters name.'' I screamed at him, tears streaming down my face. I heard someone behind me.

I looked behind to see Luke standing there, the sad look in his eyes which I've always hated to have to look at. I sighed, walking towards him. Once he seen my father, the look in his eyes changed from hurt and sad to angry as hell.

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