chapter 10 || back to before

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Later that night, I heard the door click. At first I thought It was Ashton, so I kept calm. I still had the piece the of metal in my hand. Tears were still clear on my face, I heard footsteps coming closer. It sounded like more than one person. I wiped my eyes.

The door opened slightly and I heard whispers. I was sitting with my back to whoever it was, on the edge of the bed. I sighed loudly and they came and sat down in front of me.

Looking at me was 2 people I didn't expect. Michael and Calum.

''What..what are you guys doing here?''

''Helping a friend.'' Michael looked at me with sad eyes.

''We're really sorry Lola..for making you like this. For hurting you in all the ways possible. And we're really sorry about Luke. I know he's forgot about everything, but you helped him. He needed someone, and we didn't really help because well, we didn't know everything.'' Calum spoke next.

''What do you mean..? What did I help with?''

''Well..3 years ago..Luke's dad divorced with him mum. Luke was close with him, like really close. I guess he didn't take his dad leaving the way he should've. This was when he came up with the idea of bullying you. We didn't agree with it, at all. We didn't want to see anybody end up getting hurt.'' Michael explained more.

This is starting to make sense. Luke bullying me was a way of letting out his anger towards his father.

I bit my bottom lip, not really knowing what to say. What are you supposed to say? So I nodded my head for them to continue talking.

''His anger towards his dad was getting more powerful, this was when it got physical with you..His dad never called or text him, no contact to this day as far as I'm aware. But what we're trying to say is, you helped him forget about his dad. I assume you never asked about what happened to his dad, but anyway, he would always come into school the next day talking about whatever it is you guys did the day before, and well, you helped. A lot. Luke has been to therapy for a long time and nothing worked..except this girl called Lola Lovato. '' Calum finished off, and I was in shock. I helped Luke.

They sat up on the bed on each side of me. Michael put his arm round my shoulder, I couldn't help but sigh.

''Everything will work out, Lola. I think he liked you.''


''Luke, he so liked you! How could you not see it?'' Michael looked at me like I was crazy, how could he like me? A bully can't like their victim..can they? Wait, nevermind. How can the victim like their bully? Wait..nobody said about me liking him. SHUT UP INNER SELF! Jesus.

''You like him too, and he'll come back to his senses. Just stay with us, and Luke will get bored.''

''He didn't get bored for 3 years Calum.'' After that, we decided to watch a movie to get out mind off things, but I couldn't help but think about everything they told me.

Michael was laughing at the movie, and Calum was laughing at Michael. I was laughing at both of them, I never realised how fun they could be because I thought they were massive dicks.


The morning after everything, I didn't know whether I should skip school or just face Luke.

I decided with the first one. I've skipped school before, by faking being sick. My dad would always check on me by calling at work. I loved him for it, but now he's abandoned his own child. I'm not even 18.

It was a cold morning, the rain was coming down and leaves were dancing in the wind. I cuddled into my covers more, putting it over my head.

I got a text from Ashton.

Hey lol, you ready?-Ash

Hey Ash..sorry I'm not coming in today.. everything ok?

Yeah everything's fine.

I didn't get a reply, he was probably on his way to school by now. I decided to get up and make myself some breakfast. Since I had all the time I wanted today, I made pancakes from scratch with scrambled eggs. I poured a glass of orange juice and brought it down to the basement. I hadn't been down here in months. I would always go down here if I ever needed to be my myself and even though I already was on my own, I felt like I needed to come down here.

There was a big tv, a plump sofa and everything to make it seem homey. I heard a knock at the door and I got up to answer it.

I opened the door to see 3 people.

Ashton, Calum and Michael.

''Um, what are you guys doing here?''

''We know you're avoiding Luke. Ashton knows everything we told you and well we're ditching school today to hang out with you.'' Calum explained.

''Oh, well, make yourselves at home. I was just in the basement.''

''Let's order pizza.'' Michael blurted out.

''Mike, the pizza place isn't even open yet. It's not even 9am yet.''

''Really? Maybe someone wants pizza for breakfast like I do!'' I laughed at his childishness. It was funny.


My phone buzzed in my pocket. Oh shit. It was Luke.

Why weren't you at school today?

Why do you even care?

Well, I don't. Just missed my friend today.

I'm not stupid Luke. I know why you've been bullying me.

I'm ringing you.

And without any questions asked, he rang me.

I walked out of the room so none of the boys could hear me. I answered the call without hesitation.

''Lucas Hemmings, what a surprise.''

''Who told you.''

''Does it matter who told me? What matters is, you forgot, I understand that. But before that happened, you apologised. And well..someone told me something..''

''Who told you what Lol.''

''You called me Lol. You used to call me that before the crash..''

''Yeah, so?''

''So you remember?''

''Remember what Lola?''

''Damn Luke, before the fucking crash you were actually nice to me, we actually got along like friends. We were friends Luke. And someone told me you liked me ok? I don't believe it for a second and I'm pretty fucking sure you don't believe it either. So let's just forget about that part. Anyway the point is, they told me I helped you. I know exactly what happened Luke, and well, maybe I want to help again okay?''

''I don't need anybody's help.''

''Okay maybe your deal is that you don't let anybody in, but I want to help Luke. I do. I want in to your life, is that so bad?''

''Do you like me Lola?''

''Do you like me Luke?''

''Women first.''

''I don't know okay? Your turn.''



Hey guys, omg that ending!

okay so I have an updating system now.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday = Bully

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday = Sorry I'm late!

Hopefully this works! Comment, vote, be happy:) I love ya guys

Bully || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now