Chapter 4 || confronting

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The next day at school, things went back to the way they were before. Luke was choosing to be the big guy today, which was the complete opposite to who he was trying to be yesterday.

''Hey Lola, don't ignore us. Cause we'll find you.'' Luke shouted at me as I walked into the building. Ashton told me he was waiting for me in the library.

I walked upstairs, and opened the door to see him sitting at a table by himself.

''hey!'' I spoke, sitting down across from him.

''Hey, I seen them outside when I was walking inside, what did they say to you?''

''I didn't even bother sticking around to listen'' Just then, the door flew open and I didn't turn around to see who it was because Ashton's eyes widened. I sighed and felt a hand on my shoulder.

''Told you we'd find you.'' I heard Luke's voice.

''Just leave me alone alright?!'' I snapped. I've had enough of this shit.

''Hey! Don't talk to me like that. You know what happens when you talk back.'' He spat back, Michael and Calum didn't even have anything to say this time. Luke has never been this..powering? before.

They walked off, following Luke.

''What the hell was that about? What does he mean you know what happens when you talk back?'' I didn't really know how to put it exactly. How am I supposed to tell the only person that actually gives a shit about me that I get beat aswell as verbally abused. Not just in school.

''Lola? What do they do..'' I stayed silent..hoping he would get the idea.

''Do they give you your bruises?..'' His voice cracked a little at the end. I looked up at him, a tear slipped down.

''Hey, ash, please don't cry! I'm fine!''

''I'm gonna break every bone in their bodies! You've done nothing to you and they make your life a living hell! C'mon, we're gona find them!''

''NO ASH!'' I yelled at him, getting shushed by the librarian. He dragged me out of the room to find them. This would just make things worse.

''Ash, you'll just make things worse! Please!'' I begged him to stop. We found them standing outside, laughing about something.

Ashton went up to them and punched Luke right in the face. I stood there with my mouth hanging open.

''What the fuck man?!'' Luke stood up, with a bloody nose.

''What do you think you're doing?! Beating up Lola! What's she ever done to ypu guys? You make her life a living hell and don't think anything of it! She can barely walk some days because of you!''

''Calm down man''

''No I won't fucking calm down! She's been to hospital sometimes because of the things you do to her and It's gonna stop here!'' Luke punched Ashton in the face, making him fall to the ground, but he got right back up again and punched him in the jaw.

''ASHTON STOP!'' I screamed at him.

''Oh here she comes, Lola to the rescue!'' Luke said sarcastically.

''Luke shut up, I'm fed up with your shit! I never did anything to you! And you got Michael and Calum joining in to make my life hell! Well congratulations Luke! You did it! You broke me, okay? I give up! Beat me up for all I care but I'm done dealing with your shit! Just answer one question.''

''Ugh, what?!'' he spat.

''What did I ever do to you?''

Luke's pov

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