chapter 11 || admitting

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I didn't exactly know what to say, so instead I just hung up, I didn't want to talk to him anymore. This kid was confusing as hell.

I went back down to the basement where I could hear Michael laughing loudly.

''Who was that?''

''Um..Luke?'' Ashton snapped his head round to look at me.

''What did he want?''

''He wanted to know why I'm not in school. That kid is really confusing.''

''You so like him!'' Michael grinned at me. I glared at him before sitting back down again.


''CAUSE I DON'T EVEN KNOW!'' I threw my hands in the air (like I just don't care).

I sighed loudly, running my hands over my face. I had an idea. I jumped up from my feet, and ran as fast as I could to my room, my little feet were running very fast.

I tried to find my speaker but I couldn't find it anywhere. I pulled all the clothes off my bed, on to the floor. I checked all my drawers and under my bed. After pulling everything out from under my bed I finally found it.

'AH HA!'' I yelled to myself. I connected it to my phone, blasting American Idiot. I went into the kitchen and made some popcorn. Still blurting out the words to the song.

While I was doing that, I somehow heard a knock at the door. Nobody else obviously heard it, they were too busy laughing at whatever it was they were watching.

I jogged to the door and opened it up to see a tall, blonde and awkward boy. Also known as my bully. Luke Hemmings.

Before I could say anything he stepped inside the doorway.

''Um, come in?''

''Sorry, I mean, um, Lola why weren't you in school? Are you avoiding me?''

''Um..I'm not quite sure..why are you at my house?''

''I needed to see you.''

''To bully me? Go ahead! Beat me up for all I care. I'm weak, an easy target for you. So by all means, go ahead. Get your anger out on me. You've been doing that for 3 years now anyway.''

''I'm not here to bully you. Even though I should. For finding out why I bully you.''

I was quite shocked at what he just said. This is the first time Luke has been decent to me since the accident. Or wasn't an accident. Maybe he was out there looking for an escape. Maybe I was causing him pain.

I ignored what he said and went back into the kitchen. I put the popcorn into a bowl and made some drinks. Even though I was the legal age, I put some alcohol in mine. Guess who left it behind? Dad.

In a way, I miss seeing his face everyday. Even if he did end up a monster, in the end he was my family. The only family I had really. Before he lost his job, he was the best dad in the world. That night he told me, he didn't even think about himself, he thought about me. He told me everything would alright, he promised. But promises are made to be broken.

Luke made everything worse. Because school was my escape when Luke wasn't around. When he wasn't bullying me, it was actually alright.

I was lost in my thought that I didn't even realise that I was spilling the drinks.

''Lola? Are you okay?''

''Why do you care.'' I snapped at him.

His eyes weren't angry. They were soft. I've never seen this look in his eyes before. I was walking back to the basement, when I stubbed my toe on the chair, making me drop the bowl of popcorn.

''SHIT!'' I yelled, holding my foot.

''Lol, are you okay?!'' Luke ran over to where I was sitting on the floor. I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Soon, Ashton, Michael and Calum were standing in front of me.

''What the fuck is he doing here?!'' I could tell Michael was angry.

''I still don't know. But I do know, I stubbed my toe and it's fucking sore!''

''I'll um..get you ice?''

''Luke, why are you being so nice to her? Has he said anything to you Lola?''

''Nothing to offend me, not like it offends me anyway.'' I swung my arms up in the air, and Luke stared at my arm.

''Stop staring dude.'' Calum scolded at Luke.


Luke went off, and they all sat down in front of me questioning me.

''What's he said, and why is he here?'' Ashton immediately asked.

''He asked why I wasn't in school and if I was avoiding him. I told him I'm not sure. Because that's the truth. I don't even know if I like him okay? Maybe I do, maybe I don't, but even if I did he wouldn't like me back so it's no big deal anyway.'' I blabbed on.

''Did you talk for long enough there Lola?'' Calum chuckled at me. Luke came back with a bag of ice, my toe was definitely still sore.

''Um, thanks.'' Ashton and Michael dragged Luke away to talk to me, which left me and Calum.

''Hey Lola'' He grinned at me, making me laugh.

''HELL YEAH I LOVE THIS SONG!'' It was 21 Guns, and he turned it up even more, shouting the words, making up actions to go with the words. I couldn't keep in my laughter, so I joined in with him. I set the ice to the side, and copied Calum's moves.

Luke's pov

I didn't even know why I was at her house in the first place, everything was confusing me. I couldn't help but feel so bad at seeing her hurt. Then when she flung her arms in the air, I saw scars. Self harm scars. My heart sunk, and I knew I caused this pain. I made her feel so bad, that she felt the only way out was to harm herself. Cause herself her own pain.

Ashton and Michael dragged me out of that room, I heard 21 Guns blasting behind me, Calum and Lola were shouting the words. I wanted nothing more than to join her.

''We know you like her dude.'' Michael spoke,

''What? No, I don't.''

''You so do! I mean, you can't stop thinking about her can you?'' Michael was my friend and he deserved the truth. Wait, when did I ever start caring about others?

''Fine, I like her. But she won't ever like me back, I cause her pain. I couldn't help but feel so torn when I seen her scars. She causes herself pain! She shouldn't have to go through that!''

''Prove to her you care then.''

''She'll never trust me after the pain I caused her. Why should she?''

''She forgave you before..''

''I know..''

''Sorry what?''

''I remembered last night..that's why I came here. I like her..a lot. She helped.''

''I FUCKING KNEW IT! HA! I WAS RIGHT ASHTON! I WAS RIGHT! YOU LIKE HER! HA HA HA !'' Mikey cheered, making me laugh.

''Mike, calm down. She doesn't like me back so..''


I kept laughing at him, until Lola came round to see what he was cheering about.

''What were you right about Mike?''

''Somebody likes you. And I was right. HA!'' He couldn't shut up.


hey guys! so far this updating system is working! it feels so much less stress! of having to only update one book per day!

comment, vote, be happy!

I love ya

Bully || Luke HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang