chapter 16 || why

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Soon after lying there for around an hour, we went back downstairs. I found Layla and we drank more drinks.

''What were you and Luke doing up there for so long?''

''I'll tell you later, it's a secret sshh!'' I slurred at her, making her laugh.

Mike stumbled over to us, slinging his arm over our shoulders.

''heey Mike!'' I shouted to him even though he was right beside me, what did I know? I was drunk.

''Ssh you'll wake the kittens!'' he shushed us both, and I just poked his cheek.

''You don't have dimples!'' I gasped.

''I DON'T?!'' he felt his face searching for the dimples which weren't there in the first place.

''Silly! You don't have any!'' I punched his arm playfully, but missing making me stumble.

The night went on, and it was around 3am now. I was beyond drunk. Luke had his arm tight on my waist. He was still pretty sober, which I was thankful for.

''Luke!'' Calum called him over and we both walked over.

''Uh, I gotta head home''

''It's cool, thanks for coming man''

''Yeah no problem dude'' They gave each other a man hug before Calum headed out the door.

''Luke, I want apple juice.''

''sorry babe I don't have any apple juice.''

''Liar! I seen it in the fridge!''

''Lola, I don't have any'' He chuckled at me as I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

''Well I want apple juice, now.''

He laughed before kissing my head.


I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, next to a body. I tried to sit up but two things stopped me from doing that.

1. Luke's arm tightly wrapped round my waist, his head nuzzled into my neck..not that I was complaining really.

2. The massive headache due to my hangover.

''Stop moving'' I heard Luke mumble into the pillow.

''Stop talking'' He chuckled, as his beautiful blue eyes were now facing mine.

We lay for around another half an hour before we decided to get up.

"Oh fuck my head!" I put my hand over my forehead, getting a massive headache.

"I'll go get you some headache tablets," he kissed my cheek before leaving.

Once we came back with 2 tablets and a glass of water.

"Here, take this. It should help." I took the tablets and then sat back down on the bed.

"How are you not hungover?"

"Because I was smart enough to not drink enough to get drunk so I could look after my girlfriend in the morning." He grinned at me before wrapping his arms round my waist and pecking my lips.

"Well thank you, "

Once my headache had gone, we cleaned up all the crap in Luke's house. We each had our own black bin bag and to make it more fun, we blasted music. This way we cleaned up a hell lot faster.

Once the entire house was clean, I headed back home to get changed.

"I'll see you later ok?" I nodded and quickly pecked his lips.

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