chapter 9 || accident

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Luke was called back home, but I couldn't help but wish he would stay. I promised to call if I needed him..but I already need him. I don't. He was my bully.

I went upstairs and charged my phone. I lay down on my bed, thinking about if my father would ever return. Would he even care about walking out of my life like that? Or is he just going out to get drunk? Then come back and hurt me again.

Around 3 hours passed and I was still laying here, it was 2am and I would've thought Luke would've returned by now. Maybe he left just like my dad. Maybe he finally realised that I'm not worth it.

I finally heard my phone ring, but not from who I thought it was. It was from Luke's phone..but it was Liz.


'''s Luke..he's been in a car crash. You need to come to the hospital.''

''Oh my god..Is he going to be alright?!''

''I'll explain everything when you get here honey''

My heart was beating so much I thought it would suddenly burst through my chest any second now. The person who had grown to care, had been in a crash. If this happened 2 months ago, I definitely wouldn't care as much as I do right this second.

I grabbed my dad's keys to the car and drove. I just drove. I wish I didn't know where I was going, but I've been to the hospital too many times. Too many times to keep count.

Once I arrived, I seen Liz sitting in a chair, her leg was going up and down from nerves I assume. I rushed over to her and she embraced me in a hug.

''What's happened? Will he be okay?''

''He was driving. Fast. Another car collided into him and he hit his head off the steering wheel. Doctors aren't sure if he will wake up with amnesia or not. If he does then he won't remember anything that has happened in the past year. Chances of him him waking up without amnesia are..slim. Very slim.''

''But he will be okay won't he?!''

''I think so.''

''Well, that's good news.'' School was off for Halloween holidays, and I couldn't be happier. Because that means that I can actually stay here and not worry about skipping school tomorrow morning.

My heart wouldn't calm down, I just had to be doing something. Whether it was tapping my foot on the ground, or constantly running my hand through my blonde hair.

After 3 hours of sitting, nearly falling asleep several times, a doctor came out.

''Friends and family of Luke Hemmings?'' we both stood up.

'' unfortunately Luke has woke up, and he has been diagnosed with-'' I cut him off

''Please don't say he has amnesia. Please.''

''I'm sorry, but you are free to go see him now.''

Liz put her hand on my shoulder and we walked into his room. Liz went in first, and when I walked in there was a look of disgust clear on his face.

''Mum..what's she doing here?'' He whispered to Liz, but I clearly heard.

''Luke..she's your friend.''

''Please, Lola and I are not friends.'' Of course, he doesn't remember apologizing. So now we're back to the bullying. Amazing. But what about Michael and Calum? Will they go along with it with him? They did before so what would keep them from doing it now once they hear he has amnesia.

My heart sunk once I realized that who we were earlier, isn't there anymore. That Luke is gone. But I need him back.

''I'll just be going.''

Bully || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now