Chapter 7 || ninja lessons

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We were in Luke's room, talking about what we planned to do after school finishes.

"I don't really know what I want to do..i guess I want to start a band."

"You can do whatever you want with your life." I looked up to see him smiling. We were both lying on his bed.

"What are you smiling at me for?"

"Just..i guess I'm just happy we worked everything out."

"I am too Luke."

Liz was at work and won't be back til later, so we went downstairs and got food.

"Wanna order pizza later?" Luke suggested.

"How about now?" He grinned at me, before getting his phone.

''What do you-''

''Anything.'' I knew what he was going to ask, I mean, I love pizza, I love food in general.

It was a Friday night, and Ashton had called movie night off, he said there was a party he was invited to and his friend really wanted him to come, and well I didn't.

While Luke was ordering the pizza, I got bored. I slid off his bed and onto the floor. From there on I moved about on my stomach pretending to be a ninja.

I heard Luke hang up.

''What..the hell are you doing?'' he chuckled at me, making me laugh aswell.

''What the hell does it look like? Being a ninja! My mission is to find Narnia.

''Well, can I be a ninja with you?''

''You'll have to master the art ninjary first, but I'll teach you. TUCK AND ROLL!'' He quickly dropped to the floor. And from there on we crawled about on the floor looking like complete idiots.

By the time the pizza came it was around 8pm. I ran to the door like it was Alex Gaskarth on the other side..well I might've fallen first..but I quickly recovered.

I paid the pizza guy, who was very rude must I say, I must. We settled down on the sofa and turned the tv on.

''I still can't understand why pizza guys have to be so rude sometimes. I just asked you to deliver a pizza I didn't ask you to enter the hunger games! Chill bro!'' Luke burst into laughter at me, or the movie. Maybe both.

''Seriously! They can be so rude!'' I continued my rant.


Liz was home now, and it was around 11pm. My phone started ringing, my heart started racing, firstly thinking it was my dad wondering where I was. But it was Ashton.

''Put him on speaker!'' Luke quickly whispered, I answered and put him on speaker.

''Ashton? I thought you were at a party?''

''Well..I a little bit drunk.'' He giggled. He's never rang me when he's been drunk before. Anne will kill him. She hates him getting drunk, personally, I don't drink simply because I don't want to do things I'll regret and wake up with a banging headache in the morning and throw up.

''Ash, go home.''

''But I'm having fuunn!'' He whined.

''Bye Ash!'' I hung up on him, I looked at Luke with a look that says 'well that went well.'

Liz popped her head round the door.

''Lola? Do you want to stay over? We have a guest room, but at long as it's okay with your parents sweetie!''

''Sure, I'll tell my dad.'' I pulled out my phone to text him. Surely, he would be drunk right now and not see it until morning.

''What about your mum?'' I know I said I trust Luke..but I've never actually spoke to someone about what happened to my mum. I've never had to explain what happened to her. Ashton was there when we found out, so seeing me cry my eyes out was his way of finding out she didn't make it.

''Um..She died when I was 13..she had terminal brain cancer..there was nothing they could do, it was terminal..'' I felt arms wrap around me. I had never hugged Luke before, and yet 2 days ago he was my bully.

I hugged him back. I buried my head in his neck, I didn't want to fucking cry but here I was.

''Lol..I'm sorry I asked. You could've told me in your own time, I'm sorry!''

'''s fine. Honestly.''


It was 1am, Luke and I were watching Paranormal Activity 2, I was nearly shitting myself. I loved scary movies, I just always shit myself at them. I guess that's why I love them.


''Lol, it's only a movie.''

''Dreams are just dreams but they seem fucking real!'' I sassed back.

''Damn Africa!''

''You've so watched Mean Girls.''

''Who hasn't?!''

It was coming up to a really scary part, so Luke put his arm round my shoulder. I felt myself drifting off to sleep any minute now, my head slowly dropped onto his shoulder.

I felt myself being lifted bridal style, and carried up the stairs, then set onto a bed softly. The covers were pulled over me and the light was turned out.




''Night lol''


hey guys, its me again lol

who would be interested if I were to make a fan account on insta/twitter, who would follow me?

Comment, vote, be happy:)

I love ya!

Bully || Luke HemmingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora