Chapter 30 || 'Distract C.A.L.M'

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I tried to unlock the door, but it wouldn't budge. I kicked it with my foot, hard. I did this a couple time and it finally broke. I slowly walked up the stairs from this basement. This place looks awful familiar.

Then I remembered...this is my old home. There were still pictures up of me as a little girl.. my mum. Oh how I missed her so much. I needed her by my side, she would know what to tell me, she would kiss my head, and sing me lullabies.

I sneaked round the house, finding the front door. I made sure to check if his van was away which it was. I knew how far away this place was from my house where I lived with Layla. I can't believe I'm finally free. I'm finally free from that horrible,miserable place.

The house was quite close so I know I could walk.

After a while of walking, a white van drove past me, I kept my head low but it simply passed me no problem. Once I was back in the familiar street I ran. For the first time in six months I had the freedom to run. Feel the wind in my face, blowing my hair.

Once I got to the door I banged my fist against it. I heard her voice muttering 'I'm coming, calm your tits.' Once the door was opened, her face was priceless.

"Lo..Lola?! Is that really you?!" She stuttered happily.

"Yeah, it's really me!" She pulled me in to a hug, tightly. I started to feel my eyes become glossy. I pulled back to see Layla was already crying.

"Please don't cry Lay, I'm here. I'm finally here." I pulled her back in to a hug and we closed the door. Layla quickly phoned the boys to let them know I'm home. They insisted on talking to me but she told them I needed to take things in and everything, which I did.

"What do you want to eat? you look like you haven't ate in.." she realised what she was talking about and stopped talking.

"Um.. not since the day of the funeral.." my eyes began to water again as I let the tears run freely down my face.

"Oh Lola!" She hugged me again, as I cried in to her shoulder.

"I just want you to know, we searched for you for months. We really did. Where were you?"

"My old house.. it was my father."

"How could we be so stupid to not even check there? God I feel like such an idiot.."

"Hey, don't say that. Never say that. You were out there looking for me and that matters. I don't want you putting yourself down because of this. Okay? Anyway.. how long have the boys been on tour?"

"Um around five months. They come back next week for a month off. OH I HAVE AN IDEA!! Why don't we surprise them at one of their shows?!" She squealed with excitement.

"Um.. I'm not sure, maybe we should wait for them to get back.."

"If you're worried he's going to take you away, he won't. There will always be someone with you, I promise. Please? It would be priceless to see their reaction to come off stage and you just sitting there on the sofa in there dressing room casually, of course I would keek it!" I still felt a bit shaky on the thought.

"If you don't feel safe we can come back home okay?" I nodded,finally giving in. Layla went and booked tickets to their show in London.


The door slammed with a bang. This the the time where he abuses me. My heart started to race, and I started to back up against the wall, hoping he would for some reason stop before he began.

But then I backed up so I was now in a dark forest. How I got here I don't know. I can hear his deep voice calling my name.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." he angrily spoke, as I started running. I tripped over a stick, quickly picking myself up again and running.

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