Chapter 21 || unpredictable

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It's been a week since my birthday. Since Luke and I done it.

Currently, we were cuddled on the sofa watching movies together.

"Hey babe?"


"..Did you use a condom.." the question blurted out of my mouth much quicker than I had expected.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"I..Nothing." but just as I said that, I rushed up to the bathroom, puking my guts out. I heard footsteps behind me and my hair being pushed out of my face.

"Are you okay.."

"Yeah, yeah I think I just ate too much maybe."

"Here, brush your teeth to get the taste out of your mouth." he handed me my toothbrush, rubbing circles on my back to soothe me. Once I brushed my teeth, Luke kissed me on the lips, wrapping his arms round my waist.

"Hey guys- oh um..I'll just come back later " We pulled away to see Ashton standing there awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry Ash."

"Okay well I just came in to say that cancel any plans you guys had for tonight because we're having me a campfire!" He grinned as I cheered.

Later that night, Layla had come round and we were all sat in chairs round the small fire in Luke's back garden. Suddenly, he got up from his seat beside me and went inside, coming back out with a guitar in his hands.

"Okay so, I wrote this song a while ago and well..we've formed a band. Me and the guys." Like explained to me as Layla and I looked at each other.

"It's called Unpredictable."

"She sits at home with the lights out, seeing life in different colours." They started off, and I was mesmerised as to how well their voices blended together so well.

"Let's be unpredictable." I couldn't help but smile when I heard it.

Michael continued to play his guitar while Luke pulled me on to his lap, wrapping his arms round my waist as I lay my head on his chest, nuzzling in to his neck.

He continued singing, like an angel in my ears. Once they finished the song, Luke pressed his lips to my cheek.

"I love you Lola," he whispered to me

"I love you too Luke" I whispered back.


I woke up in the morning beside Luke in his bed. He was shirtless but wearing sweats. I was wearing one of his shirts which went down to mid thigh since I'm so much shorted than him.

"Morning beautiful," his spoke in his morning voice which I lover waking up to.

"Morn-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before I was running to the bathroom to throw up yet again.

"Babe, maybe we should go to the doctor..i don't think this is normal."

"No, no I'm fine. I promise. I'll be okay. "

"I'm taking you to the doctors." I stood up, facing him.

"Luke, I love you for caring for me but I'm honestly okay. Okay?"

"Okay. But if you throw up again I'm taking you. Deal?"


Later that day, the boys and Layla had come round. I was currently in the bathroom throwing up yet again, but Luke didn't know.

"You should tell Luke. This doesn't look good Lol. Do you want to go to the doctors and if there's something wrong we can tell them when we get back home, if there's nothing to worry about we don't tell them we went in the first place."

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