chapter 37 : Wherever You Are

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I went to bed that night crying. He didn't do anything, just smoke weed. But I found myself crying to the point where I couldn't breathe and the only sound was my sobs and sniffles from blowing my nose. Layla came in and seen me, immediately putting on music to drown out the sobs.

''Oh honey!'' She squeezed me tightly making me cry even more over nothing.

''I don't know why I'm crying, he didn't cheat on me! I'm just being a.. wimp.''

''No, sweetie you aren't. You're just hurt he kept it from you. Want me to make you some hot chocolate?'' She asked and I nodded my head.

Once she left the room, I grabbed my macbook and went on to youtube, and started playing the boys' song Wherever You Are. I always listened to this when I missed the boys.

The door opened and I assumed it was just Layla so I kept crying to myself in bed, with the covers pulled up to my face. But it wasn't Layla. Instead it was the person who made me cry even if it is really stupid to be crying so much over this.

''Baby, don't cry!'' He rushed over to my side, climbing in beside me. I immediately cuddled up beside him, resting my head on his chest.

''I'm sorry..'' I mumbled.

''What the hell are you sorry for? You have nothing to apologise for baby, I'm the one that needs to apologise for everything. For not telling you, for hurting you and being the reason those beautiful eyes cry so much, painfully. So for that, I am so sorry Lola.''

''I forgive you.. I don't even know why I'm crying so much because you didn't even do anything. I don't know why I'm being such a girl about it all, it's not a big deal you didn't even do anything bad at all!"

"A girl? Really? I would like to think so considering I'm marrying you!" I laughed at him, looking up finally.

"I love you so much Lola, please never cry because you really don't deserve to cry you're too beautiful to be so sad"

"You're so cheesy!"

"But you love me!"

"About that.. I'm not so sure." Luke fake gasped, moving away from me pretending to be hurt making me giggle.

"No Luke I love you!" I flung myself on to him, making him fall off the edge of the bed as we erupted in to laughter. We heard someone cough at the door way.

"I see you two are perfectly fine again, I take it?" Calum stood there laughing as Layla had her hands on her hips.

"Indeed, I can't hold a grudge, Layla should know. She put pink hair dye in my shampoo bottle and I went an hour without talking to her, then I got fed up not talking to her and gave in.''

''So that's why you forgave me Luke and Michael so easily all those years ago..''

''Yeah, but you're Calum.''

''What's that supposed to mean?''

''Well, Calum you are.. luscious, majestic, bootiful, squishy, adorable and you are my boyfriend. Sorry Luke.'' Luke laughed at me as Calum patted me on the head making me feel like I was five years old again, how I would love to go back to those days when everything was simple and easy. All you had to worry about was colouring inside the lines and getting cooties from boys.


Layla and I were upstairs searching for our nerf guns to attack the boys. We had changed into camouflage jackets and black ski masks which covered our faces with black sunglasses. We take war seriously.

The boys were in the basement playing Fifa, so we quietly walked down the stairs making sure nobody was in the kitchen. They weren't.

"Okay, the coast is clear chicken wang!" I reported to Layla.

"Why can't I be watermelon? I love watermelon!"

"Fine, the coast is clear watermelon." We creeped down the stairs leading to the basement seeing the lights out, the only light coming from the blaring tv which was clearly Fifa.

"Ok, on the count of 3. 1..2..3! SNEAK ATTACK SUCKERS!" We barged in shooting our guns at.. Nobody? Where are they?

"What the hell? Where are they?!" Layla exclaimed.

"I have no idea but I know they're hiding somewhere and are going to jump out at us. They either heads out plan somehow when one of them went to the bathroom or something or heard us coming down the stairs. Either way I know they're planning a revenge attack and we need to be prepared." I explained.

We reloaded our guns, hiding under sofas ready to crawl out and shoot them when they think we're in the room.

Suddenly, I heard whispers.

"They're probably so confused as to where we are."

"Shut up mike they'll hear us!" I heard Calum whisper/shout.

They came down as I seen their shoes from under the sofa I was under.

"Well this plan failed. Where are they?"

I decided to grab whoever a foot was nearest to me and drag them down to the floor as Layla came out and started shooting our guns at them all. They shot us back, but we had better reflex skills.

"YOUR DEAD CALUM!!" I screamed as he fell to the floor.

"Layla, I shot you!" Ashton yelled.

"Oh look I shot you ash!" Layla shot back, not caring that she's supposed to be 'dead'.

"But..YOU CANT SHOOT YOU'RE DEAD!" He pointed his finger at her as she argued back. Layla will always be and always have been the type of person to stick up for herself and for what she believes in.

"Michael! I shot you, now lie down and pretend to die." I commanded as he sighed and fell to the floor dramatically.

Ashton and Layla were still squabbling.

"Looks like it's just you and me now Lucas Robert Hemmings."

"But.. Layla and Ashton are still in."

"Shh it's just us now!" I said making him laugh and I took this opportunity to shoot him right in the chest.

"Well fuck. Now I'm dead and you guys won." I cheered as Layla came running over to me as we took off our sunglasses and masks.

"WE BEAT YOUR ASS NOW BUY US PIZZA!" Layla screamed at them as I gave her a high five. They all groaned from finally gave in to buying us pizza.

@alextaylor: just beat @5sos at a very serious game of a nerf gun war with @laylaa_

Layla laughed as she looked over my phone. We all lay down on the sofas deciding to watch Home Alone. And that was when Luke whispered someone in my ear I would never be prepared to hear again.

"Why don't get have a kid?"


Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait and short chapter! But I've had 2 drumming lessons, and I love drumming so much!

Please comment, and vote !

I love you and since this is my only book I am currently still writing I will hopefully be updating more often now , and since I'll be off school for Halloween this week

Have fun little ones:)

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