Chapter 33|| Sparks Fly

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been in America since July 21st and been busy

Layla and I woke up first so we started blasting 'wannabe' by the Spice Girls dancing round the kitchen.

"If ya wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends!" We screamed the words looking at each other while buttering our toast.

"Do you think the boys are awake?" Layla stopped and looked at me.

"Well they will be after this." I looked at her and was about to say something before she belted out the next song.


"Did someone just fall out of bed?!" I covered my mouth as I heard Ashton groan. I looked at Layla as she looked at me. We burst in to laughter loudly.

"SHH YOU'LL WAKE YOUR BOYFRIEND UP!" Layla shushed me as I threw her a dirty look, dramatically flipping my hair and walking away.

I went in to my room, at least I thought it was my room. Instead I walked in to her room. My heart felt like it stopped beating and everything was left the way it had been since six months ago when she last played with her barbie dolls, hit tears were streaming down my cheeks. I fell to the floor, my hands wiped away my tears but they kept flowing down my face. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Baby.. Don't do this to yourself, cmon babe, please.." Luke knelt down beside me, putting his arm round my shoulder. He rested his head on my head. We stayed like this for around twenty minutes until Calum came in to make sure we were okay.

I knew this wasn't just hard for me, it was hard on everyone. Cara had made everyone she met smile in their life. She made a part of people come out that they never even knew they had inside of them by simply being Cara Hemmings.

My little princess.


Later that night Luke and I had lit a fire outside in the back yard. We put down a blanket, leaning my head on his shoulder. I looked up and seen a shooting star.

"Luke! Look! A shooting star!" I quickly said, as I wished hard.

I wish that my little girl watches over me and continues to be my angel.

"What did you wish for?" Luke asked me, looking up at the dark night sky.

"I can't tell you! That's for me to know and you to never find out!" I defended my wish.

"Wanna know mine?"

"Yes , but if you tell me it won't come true! I want your wish to come true!"

"Why don't you answer that for yourself babe?" By now he was looking down at me smirking, shoving his hand in to his pocket for something.

"Stand up and close your eyes babe." I looked at him like he was crazy but did what he told me anyway. My heart was pumping like crazy, I had no idea what he was planning to do.

I stood up from my spot and closed my eyes shut. I heard him shuffling around a little.

"Okay, open your eyes babe." I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes widened.

He was leaned down on one knee with a box in his hands. He opened the small box to show a shimmering ring inside.

"Lola Lovato, will you do me the honour of marrying me and becoming Lola Hemmings?" He smiled at me and I was sure my mouth was hanging open. So I reacted in the only way my body would co operate with.

I screamed from the top of my lungs, which im pretty sure nearly deafened Luke.

"Hell yes!" I squealed, Luke standing up and picking me up, twirling me around.

"Your wish was to marry me?"

"It has been ever since you forgave me from day one." He looked me dead in the eye as I broke out in a smile.

We went inside and I couldn't help myself from staring at the shiny ring on my finger. I never thought I would find someone who would want to marry me but never in a million years did I think that person would be my bully those years ago.

"Okay what the hell did you scream-" Michael was cut off by Layla squealing, grabbing my hand.

"HE PROPOSED?!" She screamed before I could even say anything.

"I did, romantically if I do say so myself"

"I could've helped! Why didn't I help?!"

"Because I wanted to do this simply yet romantically,"

"Aw, bless your little soul! But I'm warning you now hemmings, you hurt her once more I will make you wish you were never born!" Layla glared at him as I widened my eyes.

"Layla! Shush!"

I went to bed that night cuddled up to my new fiancé, feeling as if nothing can go wrong in my life.

But there's always something that can ruin my life..

Hey guys! So I'm in America now and ITS BEEN A YEAR TODAY SINCE AMNESIA?! WTF

ANYWAY, I'm in Chicago and I'm going to six flags on Tuesday hopefully with my family over here because I'm here by myself living with my auntie, uncle and cousins


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