Castaway - 2

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"This is so uncomfortable." Eren rolled around the sand in the small shelter.

"Quit complaining." Levi grumbled. "We're on an island from a plane crash, nothing is going to be luxury."

Eren ignored Levi. "And it's so hot! Soooo hot!"

"Strip then. You're wearing long sleeves and jeans." Levi mumbled. The man had already abandoned his shirt and used it to tie up the shelter. The man surprised everyone in the group. He had one of the most muscular builds and abs somebody could see.

"I don't want to." Eren mumbled, but ended up pulling his shirt off. The teen was slightly built for his age, but yearned to have a body like Levi's.

Eren tossed his shirt aside. "I have boxers on underneath." He unbuttoned his jeans and slowly wiggled out of them.

Levi eyed the other. It wasn't until Hanji nudged him that he looked away.

The man glared at the fellow teacher. "What?"

"You were staring at him." Hanji sighed. "I thought you had lost your interest in him."

"Interest?" Levi chuckled lightly. "That's nonexistent."

Hanji shook her head. "I've seen the way you look at him. When he walks down the hall, when he walks into your class, when he stays after school..and yet you approach him with such a rude attitude."

"It's who I am." Levi grumbled.

"He's a teenager Levi."

"I've been told I don't look it." Levi sighed, in an attempt to joke. Hanji wasn't having that though.

"That's not the point. You know the right thing to do, and that's not to get involved with him. Even if he went after you, he's only fifteen. He doesn't know what he wants. Imagine you at fifteen."

Levi shuddered at the thought of his teenage years. He hated every second of it. It wasn't exactly a great beginning to life. From the moment he was born to when he graduated college most people close to him were dead.

"I know that's not the fucking point, Hanji. I'm not an idiot. I don't have an interest in him. I don't know where you got that idiotic idea." Levi said it a lot louder than he should've and hoped nobody else heard.

Eren and his group of friends were a few meters away.

Hanji sighed. "Just stay away from him. The last thing we need is you and him together."

"I'm not some creepy pervert, so you can stop talking." Levi grumbled and stood up.

"Everyone." Levi spoke, getting their attention, "We need to look around better for food."

"I think we should hunt." Jean said, sitting up. Marco nodded in agreement. Those two were practically tied at the hip.

Levi nodded. "Alright, a few of us can hunt while a few of us look for fruit. Hanji is a science teacher, she knows which fruits are edible."

Hanji nodded and stood up. "I'll lead the gathering group, you lead the hunting group."

Levi nodded. "We need weapons, we'll have to find a way to sharpen rocks and get sticks to make spears. Who wants to hunt?"

Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Marco, Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt raised their hands.

(A/N:This is the last time you'll probably see everyone mentioned, I got lazy oops.)

Armin, Sasha, Connie, Krista and Ymir were sent with Hanji to gather.

Erwin decided on staying behind to make more shelters.

Levi led the group into the jungle like forest. Insects and animals could be heard making noise as they moved. "Someone collect strong sticks while I sharpen rocks." He mumbled.

"I can help you Mr.Ackerman." Eren spoke up and turned to follow him.

Levi raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Alright Jaeger, come on."

Mikasa watched and bit her lip.

"He'll be fine Mikasa." Armin mumbled to her reassuringly. "Don't worry about him."


Eren walked with Levi. They both stood in an awkward silence.

"So.." Eren tried to make small talk. "I hope we get rescued soon."

"Don't we all." Levi spoke emotionlessly.

Eren lightly kicked up the sand that has made its way into the forest, along with some dirt.

"I miss home." The teen mumbled and looked down at his bare feet making foot prints. He spoke sadly.

Levi was rude, but when it came to Eren he stopped at a certain point. He saw Eren was upset. "I do too. Let's hope we'll be recused soon."

"All we can do is hope. That's hanging by a small thread. What if we're never found? Our futures are ruined." Eren panicked tangled his hands in his hair, tugging lightly. His eyes filled with tears that slowly started rolling down his cheeks one by one.

Levi watched and turned to face Eren. "Eren, we'll get rescued. Our flight went down, I'm sure they can get coordinates. Don't cry."

Eren realized his vulnerable, emotional state and wiped his tears. "I'm sorry..I just get really nervous." He murmured, looking down embarrassedly.

"It's fine." Levi sighed quietly and went to kick a shell that was in front of his foot, he stopped mid way and picked it up. It wasn't a shell, it was a clam.

"Hey Eren, look." Levi held out the clam.

"It's just a clam." Eren wiped the rest of his tears and laughed quietly. "And how did it get here? We're at the edge of the forest."

(another a/n: yes I looked it up and clams do produce pearls, it's rare but that makes this moment more special hehe people were COMING for me and were like NO ITS AN OYSTER)

Levi rolled his eyes and tried to pry the clam open and sighed. "Fuck, it won't open. An animal probably grabbed it and couldn't open it."

"Use a sharp rock or something." Eren walked over to the rocky area of the unusually smooth, sandy shore and picked up a rock.

Levi took the rock and slowly opened the clam. A large shiny pearl was right in the center. He picked the pearl out slowly and set the clam down.

"Whoa a pearl." Eren smiled and looked down at the pearl on Levi's outstretched hand. "Isn't that rare?"

"Hold out your hand." Levi demanded. "I guess so, I wasn't sure if one was going to be inside."

Eren nodded and held his hand out. Levi dropped the pearl in Eren's hand, letting their hands linger together for only a moment.

"You're giving it to me?"

Levi nodded and walked faster to the shore, "Find some pointy rocks."

Eren nodded and stared down at the pearl in his hand. He couldn't help but smile to himself and quickly follow after Levi.


A/N: ^ alright I thought that was adorable. cx

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