Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Mash and his psychic sidekick bumped shoulders with Kent on the way to the interrogation room, as the staff preferred to call it. When you failed at catching the bad guy, you always wound up there, under pressure and about to be read a riot act no one wanted to hear.

"Hey, watch it," he yelled at Mash. "Big baboons." Kent straightened his suit coat and walked in. There were a dozen men in white sitting around a table. They summoned Kent to sit in the middle while the door locked behind them.

The Director shuffled to the front of the room, his face hidden by the shadows of the cloak he wore. He landed his cane in a balanced position. "Everyone, this is Kent. You've all been briefed on him. Who would like to start?"

"I will," and Kent stood up, barely a head above the other men sitting and half the weight.

"Kent, can we call you Kent?" He nodded to the Director. "Tell us your version of how you and Professor Sparks came into contact with one another."

Kent cleared his throat. "He contacted me. The child was seven months old at the time. She was born during the light that struck the underground lab. A doctor by the name of Rosenthal works at the lab where the mother, Anna, also worked. She had contacted Sparks regarding the unusual development of the child, and he contacted me for another opinion on the linguistic forms."

"And what was different from those forms than the English language she was exposed to?"

"First, the child started speaking a dialect shortly after birth. She didn't have much together in English language at the time but she had one distinctive form we were able to recognize: an ancient version of Gad, a language from 1050 BC, Israel. However, she also has a dialect we cannot decipher, a sort of tongue clicking that has structure."

The men listening began to shuffle in their seats.

"Does it sound like this, because for some reason we cannot get our hands on the original tapes," and the man played the voice of a young boy who mimicked the exact language.

"Yes, that's it. Where did you get that? It's not the girl's voice," asked Kent.

"From one of the twelve, a small boy in Mexico that has vanished as well. He made the tape and his friend sold it to us. No one has seen him since."

Another white coat put up his hand. "Where are these children?"

"All over the planet. We cannot locate them as of yet."

"I thought they were connected to one of us? A spy that use to work here?" asked one of the men.

"We believe there is a vagrant," said the Director. "He worked here for many years. Almost as many as me. He is at this moment, loose, and likely won't be caught easily. His name is Vektor. His DNA has been found around North America but he was been spotted in other parts of the world. He was one of our best and still is, unfortunately. I was hoping Mash's new shadow would prove himself, but apparently he let Vektor slip right through his mind. Imagine that," and the Director threw a piercing glance at Kent. "Perhaps it's your turn Kent, to be relocated. We do have an opening. A superb ocean front cottage on Bowen Island," and Kent started to squirm. "You'll like it there, it's full of crazy artists and kale. Martin, you had something to say."

A tall thin man stood up. "We have reason to believe the children are being protected by Vektor. What we need to understand is the link. Why is he protecting them? He could just wander his whole life and never pay attention to any more CIA affairs. Why is he going out of his way to do this? That is the question I want all of you to ask as you continue your research."

"I think it's because they're similar to him," said Kent.

"Physical similarity isn't enough," added the Director. "This is why all of you are here. I've prepared teams around the world to find them. These children and Vektor must have the same mission, connection, whatever you want to call it. Right now they're fairly benign, but soon they will change," and the old Director looked into the eyes of every man seated around the table. "Once they are fourteen, their capabilities are similar to Vektor or possibly stronger. They have the ability to take down the entire world structure we have spent years building. The 'powers that be' behind the CIA don't want this to happen. We must find these kids and detain them for life. This is your job."

The white coats argued and mulled over concepts and ideas until the Director called the meeting adjourned. He looked over to Kent. "The Bowen Island retreat wasn't a threat. Pack your bags. I hear the winters are splendid."

"You failed the mission years ago when you sent Mash in to collect Vektor," said Kent. "So don't blame me for every loss that lands at your feet. I'll go to the island, but know I won't be any more inclined to stay there than he did."

"Noted," said the Director, and he revolved slowly around his cane and made his way along the sterile hallway.

April K. Reeves, Author. Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved. Visit us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/April-K-Reeves/390530011143987?fref=ts or our website: https://aprilkreevesauthor.wordpress.com/

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