Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

"Do you want to go outside today?" asked Edith. She was concerned for Maggie. The child spent too many days in the white room since Anna disappeared. Edith was determined to change this destructive pattern, and gathered Maggie's coat, boots and gloves.

"We can't go out right now," said Maggie.

"Why Sweetie? Are you afraid of something? You can tell me. I won't tell anyone," and Edith's trusting voice calmed the little girl, and she began to open up.

"Do you believe in destiny?"

An innocent question thought Edith as she sat on the edge of the chair. "I never used to but now I think destiny is very real. But I also think destiny is often a choice. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I stayed in University and didn't marry William," and Edith settled back into the overstuffed chair, wondering if she was talking over the comprehension of a six year old.

"Do you think there are people that see their destiny clearly? People that come to Earth and make decisions that keep that destiny on course?"

"I never thought of it that way," said Edith. "I know I've never had that vision, but I'm open minded enough to believe if someone did."

"I have that," said Maggie. "I've always known the purpose of why I'm here. Can I tell you something?"

The 'innocent conversation' was no longer valid. Edith was faced with a decision: to end the conversation or answer. She was aware Maggie was not your ordinary soon-to-be seven year old from the artwork and the languages she had learned, but this question was leading Edith into territory that she had never felt comfortable speaking to anyone about.

"Okay Maggie," said Edith, fighting back the wall of fear she so desperately and so needlessly clung to.

"I have a collective destiny to change Earth."

"And what are the details of this destiny Maggie?" Edith's breathing became shallow.

"I will be leaving sooner than anyone here knows or realizes. I need to know you support me in this. I don't know the details yet Edith, but I will when the time arrives. I just don't know what it looks like. But I will go, and I need to know you won't try to find me. I will find you. I see this scares you, but please don't be frightened. It's a good thing."

Please Lord, help me find the right thing to say here Edith thought. This is a little girl, speaking to me like a mature adult. None of this makes sense. Please help me find the truth Lord, because I'm about to panic.

"What is happening on Earth that you need to change Maggie?"

Maggie chose her words carefully as she watched Edith's expressions. "The world your generation is leaving behind is not going to be inhabitable for most forms of life by the time I'm your age. I agreed to be here, at this exact time, along with twelve others." Maggie stopped her explanation, as she could see Edith had enough to consider. She didn't need to know the details that Maggie could see so clearly. It would come to pass in Edith's lifetime, that she would understand why they had this conversation.

"Sweetie, I'm not sure what to say." Think Edith, think real hard, real fast. You need to be mature about this. There is no reason for this child to be extreme in her thinking. Or is there? Did this white room damage her? I have to trust. I have to.

"I know you find this difficult Edith but you need to hear me out. I was born in this white room to live and learn without distraction. Without any communication to the outside human world, I was able to open up to a holographic Universe full of possibility. I can connect to the thoughts of others."

"What does that mean Maggie? Help me please, because I don't understand what you're trying to tell me." Edith launched into a dialogue she never meant to have. "Why would this place, this room, be of any benefit to you? I have always hated this room. I thought it was child abuse. From the very beginning I was against this plan of my husbands. I have to tell you this Maggie: you are an experiment. You were born in a white room on purpose. My husband, the man you adore, wants to prove to the world that drugs are the only answer to every illness and that any other form of healing simply doesn't work. You were born in an environment where you would not be exposed to God or the Universe or anything religious. Meyer wants to prove none of that exists so he can stop people from believing what he thinks is false information and continue to create and sell drugs. He wants to expose you soon so you can stand up and spread this message to the world." I just said too much.

"I know," said Maggie, and she smiled at Edith, knowing how difficult it was for her to understand. "This was the perfect place for me to be born, on purpose. If I leave quietly without Mr. Meyer knowing, he will not discover he had failed. I do not wish that for him, for he created me through his own version of truth, and for that I am forever grateful. His personal journey of creating drugs for large masses of people may have to change. If you continue to create sickness as opposed to prevention, you will diminish all life including your own."

Edith summoned the courage she needed. "Why do you think his experiment failed?"

"Because I know we all come from one source. Some call it God or religion. I call it home. The light there is very bright, and the energy is beyond anything humans could ever imagine. You know so very little about me. In time you will. You are part of this collective destiny."

"What is it you see that we don't?" Curiosity and courage was taking over Edith's fear. "What does Earth look like in the future, and how close is that future?"

"In my late teen years, around 2016, evolution will reach a tipping point, where everything gains momentum at a rate most humans are not conditioned to accept or comprehend. The Earth will witness an event that will appear life threatening. It will radically alter everything humans believe."

"That's not far away," said Edith.

The room became eerily quiet. Edith dared to consider Maggie's words. Most of it was beyond her ability to understand, but she was a graceful woman, and had lived decades with a man she never understood but had the capacity to respect. She was now in the same position with a young girl whose abilities were far beyond anyone she had ever met.

"I will help you in any way I can," she promised Maggie. "But please go slow. This is hard for me. You realize you're barely seven? These types of conversation don't normally happen with kids your age. I'll need some time to think it over, but you have my respect and support."

"I am only young in body and age," said Maggie. "If you can separate that from my knowledge and conscious ability, you will understand how incredibly powerful humans are. It is my wish that one day they realize it."

They? What does Maggie mean by 'they'? Don't ask Edith.

April K. Reeves, Author. Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved. Visit us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/April-K-Reeves/390530011143987?fref=ts or our website: https://aprilkreevesauthor.wordpress.com/

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