Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 June 1999

"Hardly reminiscent of a cave," thought Amarr as he took his first step into the new Boston Meyer Research Facility just outside of Boulder Colorado. He marveled at what could be carved into the side of a mountain in record time. For a fleeting moment he admired William Meyer for an achievement well above Meyer's usual standards. The sterility of a lab still existed, as labs should be, but there was something warm and inviting about the rest of it, as if someone could live here in moderate comfort. "As if", he mused, "a woman created the environment".

He wandered into the front lab, where massive one-way windows reached from floor to ceiling, letting in every fragment of light through to the deep recesses of the cavern. They looked out over a vast meadow of plant species and color that wound around groves of tall mixed trees scrambling their way to the cliff tops. A tall security fence stretched over two thousand feet in front of Amarr but it was no contender for the beauty of the valleys and the hills that encapsulated it. Surely an inspiration for a work environment he was eager to test out, and this lab was void of dirty secrets. At least for now.

The tabletops were not any surface he had seen before and he ran his fingertips over them several times. Even the equipment was years ahead of Boston Meyer's older offices, and Amarr realized it was going to be a stretch for everyone to learn it quick enough to jump into the plan Meyer was about to set out for them. He found a control switch for the front window blinds and the last thing he checked for was a lock on the inside of the door.

In the midst of his euphoria, the convergence of male and female voices entered the center hall, and Amarr regained stature and went out to greet them for the first time.

"Amarr, there you are. I want you to meet everyone." Meyer's voice christened the hallway as the team of men and women, loyal specialists dedicated to Meyer's command, grouped in the center.

"Meet Anna, Janet, Dr. Margaret Rosenthal, and you know the rest Amarr, I don't have to introduce everyone," and Meyer turned to march them along. He was never one for lengthy introductions. It wasn't because he preferred to let people learn about each other on their own time. William Meyer simply cared less who anyone was, deeply or superficially.

"If it feels like these three live here, they pretty much will be," Meyer stated, pointing to the three women. "They must be here 24/7 to make this project a success. And we do want to make this project successful, don't we all?"

Amarr looked at the three women with astonishment. Where did William Meyer find three females who would buy into Meyer's fascination of dressing completely in white? He knew the room was white but what was the purpose of everything being colorless? The chairs, the crib, the carpets, everything was white. Neither of the three women had a wedding ring; neither one had modern hair, and all three dressed alike in a casual, non-descript manner. "Was Meyer into cloning?" he chuckled to himself. He couldn't wait to tell his wife Abani; she always had an appropriate response for all of Meyer's shortcomings.

Amarr politely shook hands with the women and called them by name, in desperate hope that if he said their names enough times he would be able to remember them the next morning. Meyer shuffled the small group around the corner and introduced his closest friend Basil and two scientists who would show up intermittently.

"So is everyone ready? Can we start?" William Meyer motioned for the group to follow. Although the lab was spacious at the front, it contained small rooms in the back, almost like a mini apartment, with a kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and an open library with large overstuffed chairs. Amarr glanced over but was whisked away. They visited other small rooms with mismatched furniture waiting to be organized. He noticed armed locks on every entranceway, a feature Meyer did not have in any other lab. Amarr weighed the need for high security when a flurry of unconventional thoughts kicked in.

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