I cringed and shut my eyes. I couldn't stand the fact that she had been used like that, taken advantage of like that. Knowing this injustice further fueled my anger and gave me the sudden urge save every girl in this house, as impossible as it seemed.

"How exactly did you lose your, ehm, how were you, uh, deflowered?"

She fidgeted, crossing her legs over and twiddling her thumbs. "It was the young master. He's the one who's in charge now. He's much nicer than his father ever was.  Garrett came home drunk one night--"

"Oh boy, that's how it always starts doesn't it? Oh, sorry. I've just had some pretty bad experiences with drunks myself so I can understand. Please continue."

She smiled empathetically. "I was cleaning up for the night when I ran into him, or rather, he ran into me. I tried to resist. I was pretty scared, but I couldn't hold back for long. I'd always had somewhat of an attraction to him."

I raised my eyebrows at that. "Even though he basically raped you?"

She shrugged and put her head down in embarrassment. "I-I don't know. I couldn't really help it. And he's never done anything to hurt me."

"No he just uses you for his uncontrollable sexual needs. Doesn't that bother you at all?"

"Maybe I was wrong. I don't think you really can understand everything I've been through..."

I sighed, "No, you're right. I'm sorry for what I said. I really can't quite understand your actions since I haven't quite experienced what you have."

We were both silent for a moment before I asked another question. "If you could escape, if you could leave him, would you?"

“I…I-I’m not sure. He’s the only guy I’ve been to bed with and everyone else just seems dull in comparison. I can’t imagine a life without him. Actually, even if I wanted to I don’t think it would be possible for me to live without him. I haven’t ever lived on my own and at my age without a degree or even a high school diploma I wouldn’t be able to survive on my own without doing the same stuff I’ve been doing here. “

“That’s not true. There are so many organizations out there that could help you get back on your feet.”

“I don’t know, I think I’m in too deep to pull myself out of this mess.”

“But you don’t have to do it alone! I’ll be here! I will do everything I can to get you out of this mess. I will get you out of here.”

“What do you mean? Like an escape?”

“Precisely,” I smirked.

She sighed and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. “Don’t waste your time, there’s no way for you to get out of here. Many have tried, but all have failed. It only leads to more pain and punishment. Just accept your fate now and things will be much easier.”

“No. I’ll get out of here for sure. I don’t doubt that for a second. Let’s just say I have some outside help, but first I need your help. I need to know if you know about a girl named Jayden. She’s blonde, tall, really pretty bluish-brown eyes.”

“Does she have any really defining characteristics? Because that description could fit a lot of girls, well I guess not that many, but enough for me to not be sure.”

“Exactly how many girls are there here?” I asked, disgusted and even a little scared to ask.

“Not too many, about 13 give or take.”

“Thirteen?! Why would he need so many girls here?”

“Well it’s not as many as some other people I’ve heard about over the years. The guys who make a business out of this stuff have way more.”

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