Chapter 6

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Cory POV

I woke up to the sound of banging on my front door. Who in the fuck could this be banging on my door like that. I got up to answer it and I seen a lightskinned forhead. Could only be Rakir.

"Aye man, what the fuck is up with you banging on the door like that!"

Rakir looked at me with a blank stare. He pushed me out the way and sat down on my couch.

"My bad bruh I-I-I'm just messed up. Jai got my head all fucked-"
He stopped when he seen Lia walking down the stairs.
"Everything alright. I heard yelling" she said still wiping her eyes

"Yea everything cool go back upstairs" I said

She looked at me and shook her head walking into the kitchen to find a snack.

"Anyways, we got into it cause she wanted early bird sex and I wouldn't allow it. So she started hitting me bruh." Rakir said

"Awe. Its ok you can stay here as long as you need."

Lia jumped in like she knew something. I looked at her with a face expression that said 'Shut Up'. She pouted and went upstairs.

"Well that's fucked up make yourself at home"

I gave him the remote and went back upstairs. When I opened the door I could see Lia getting dressed.

"Where you going?" I said curious

"Away from you." she replied angrily.

She snatched everything she touched and slammed the door. I even heard the tires as she sped off. I really wanted to call her but she was mad and I knew she wasn't gonna answer.


I swear Cory is such an asshole. All he ever does is drink. I feel like he doesn't care about my feelings. I reached in my glove compartment and pulled out $400. I went to the mall and spent a few hundos.

First I went to JC Penny and found a cute top with some bottoms for $45 not bad. And I picked out a black Gucci purse. Some sandals and jewelry. I checked out. My total was $300. Before I even thought about going to get something to eat, I went to Footlocker to get some shoes.

All I needed was some walking shoes. Roshes. I was browsing the wall and I seen a handsome dark skinned man with a diamond in his ear wearing a muscle shirt. Damn he was finer than a MF, but I didn't pay any mind although he did look hella familiar.

He got closer and closer to me as I was browsing.

"Bet Lia."

I looked over slowly after 5 seconds and noticed it was Al'dre. My body started shaking from head to toe. Al'dre had a crush on me in high school. When he asked my out I deniyed him because I was in love with Cory at the time.

Since then he wouldn't leave me alone.
"What we betting on?" I said with courage
"Oh nothing" He said getting in my face.
"You know what I want. Why wont you give it up?"

By then he was close enough to kiss me. I looked into his eyes and saw myself staring back. Why his soul gotta be so dark? I picked out my shoes and the store manager came and checked me out.

"Ill fuck with you later Lia" He said as I exited the store. I didn't even wanna look back.

I made my way to the food court and got a few slices of pizza with a slushie drink. I was thinking about going home to eat, but I couldn't do anything else without being this hungry. So I sat at the table by the water fountain

When I look up from taking a bite of my pizza, Al'dre was standing before me.

"Can I join you?"

I said "Sure" sarcastically, and rolled my eyes.
After 6 minutes I noticed all he did was stare at me.

"Do we got a problem?" I said finna piss myself cause I was so nervous
"Nah no problem. I just wanna talk to ya."
"About what?"
"Number?" He said.

I looked at him like he done completely lost it. I put my food together and got up from the table.

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