*Finale* Chapter 20

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1 AM. How am I suppose to sleep after what happened between me and him? I hate him so much for what he did; for everything that he did. But why can't I forget that kiss? Or him in general? Arg! This is so frustration. I shuffled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of milk and sat in front of a plate full of chocolate chip cookies. I took the one on top and dunk it in the milk. I let out a sigh and ate the cookie.

"What are you still up?" I heard Louis asked as he came downstairs.

"Couldn't sleep." I shrugged

"You're not the only one."

"You couldn't either?" I asked

"I wasn't talking about me," he answered, getting a bottle from the fridge.

"What-" he pointed outside to the backyard and I saw Harry sitting near the pool. "Why is he still up?"

"Why don't you go ask him?" Louis grabbed two cookies before heading back upstairs.

I watched him as he left then looked back at Harry.I took a cookie and walked outside. He turned and looked at me when he heard the door closed. I gave him a smile and he turned back to look at the water. I made my way over to him and sat down.

"Cookie?" I offered. He didn't respond. I dangled my feet in the warm water and took a breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you earlier. You took me off guard."

He didn't reply. Harry did take the cookie from me and ate it. I smiled and laughed a bit.

I can't believe I'm about to say this, "I think I'm ready to talk."

"Well, what if I don't want to talk?"

"C'mon, Harry... We both know that isn't true."

"Why do we always have to do things according to you?"

"Fine. Have it your way. When you're ready, I'll be waiting." I got up and headed back to the house. "But Harry..." I looked over my shoulder and he looked at me with hopeless eyes. "I can't wait forever."

|Harry/Next Morning|

Hope and Ashley were playing with the baby in the living room while Louis and I had coffee in the kitchen.

"So, did you guys talk?" Louis curiously asked.

"No. I was too angry with her to talk."

"You mean to tell me the time she finally wants to talk to you, you stayed quiet?"

"Shut up." I looked over and watched Hope hold little Robby in her arms. She'd make a wonderful mother one day.

"You guys have to talk about what happened. Hope's not gonna sit around, waiting for you to be ready."

"I know. She can't wait forever."

"No, she can't."

|Hope/That Night|

I sat near the window, looked out at the night sky, wondering what life has in stored for me next. Really, what else is going to happen?

I heard the door open and closed.

"I'm ready to talk now."

Harry sat down beside me and his beautiful eyes gazed into mine.

"Where do we start?" I asked.

"Do you accept my apology?"

"Depends on what you're apologizing for?"

"For everything; for what happened to you and Niall, for that night when it was suppose to be meant for him, for doing what we did two years ago in Tampa..."

Temptation Unleashed (Niall Horan/Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن