Chapter 3

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That morning, I woke up snuggled in between blankets and pillows. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sun shinning through the window. I looked over at Niall and he looked like he was fully passed out.

"Niall..." I whispered. He didn't move. "Niall." I said a little bit louder. Nothing. I rolled my eyes and turned to my side. "Nialler!" I said even louder and yet... he didn't budge. "NIALLLL!!!" I took my pillow and whacked him really hard which actually woke him up.

"What? What... I'm up, I'm up!" He sat up looking around and I just laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked laying back down.

"Sorry," I tired to say in between laughs.

"Why the hell did you wake me up this early in the morning?" he asked taking the pillow and putting it over his face.

"Well one, it's 9 AM. That's not early..."

"It is to me..."

"And two, I got bored."

"Hope... you just woke up and you're bored?"


"Ugh. Go bug someone else."

"But we have to pack for St. Paul. We leave in like two hours."

"Great. Wake me up in an hour and forty-five minutes."

"Niall!!!" I shouted

"Okay. Enough with the yelling. Damn woman."

I rolled my eyes and rolled out of bed. I grabbed a few clothes and dashed into the bathroom to shower

I walked out of the bathroom as Niall made his way in. I lightly did my make up and started packing. I decided to help Niall pack seeing that he was taking forever in the bathroom and I was already done. And he said I take a long time? Once I finished, that's when he got out.

"Did you like planned this so I would pack for you?" I asked standing up.

"No... you packed for me?"

"Well, seeing that you took long enough..."

"Sorry and thank you. Ready to go?"

"Yeah. You mind stopping at Starbucks before we head to the airport?"

"Got that covered. When you were in the bathroom, I called Amelia and sent her on a coffee run. Tall, white chocolate mocha?"

"You member my drink?" he asked smiling

"Well ya did have it practically everyday. That or a Carmel frap."

"True. Let's go."

We both grabbed our bags and headed down to the lobby. We all, as in I, Niall, Harry, Amelia and the others were going to take a van cab to the airport. Me and Niall stood there for awhile waiting for everyone. The first person we saw was Amelia and she handed me my coffee.

"Tall white chocolate mocha?" she asked handing it to me.

"Yes and thank you."

"No problem." She smiled at me

I just smiled and took a sip of my coffee. Soon, everyone got to the lobby and we called for a cab. The car ride and airplane was pretty boring. I mostly spent it listening to my iPod. When we got to St. Paul, we grabbed another cab to the hotel were we just dropped off our stuff because the show was in about an hour.

Niall insisted me to stay with him. Mainly because he's so use to me staying with him and he gets really bored alone but I convinced him that I should get my own room. But he's still next door. Should have seen that one coming.

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