Chapter 9

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The boys left after lunch and Harry and I spent the rest of the day lounging around in the backyard. It was time for dinner and I made him a special dinner liked I promised. Smoked salmon with Vietnamese sticky rice and steamed veggies. Okay, so it wasn't as special as I wanted it to be but there was barely anything in his kitchen and I don't know where the stores are. But Harry seemed to enjoy it. Dinner was quiet with occasional glances and smiles. All you heard was the silverware hitting the plates. After about 20 minutes of that, I couldn't take it anymore.

"AH! Fine. You win. Just say something already!" I said.

"Ha! That'll be 10 bucks," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes reaching in my pocket for a ten. "Told ya I'd win."

"We're never playing that game again," I announced. I took our plates and put them in the dishwasher. I turned back around to see Harry leaning against the counter, smiling at me. "Yes?" I asked.


"And that will be?"

"Strawberry cheesecake ice cream," he answered walking over to the freezer.


"Why don't you go to the living room and pick out a movie while I get us some?"

"Okay." I walked into the living room, jumping on the couch, grabbing the remote on the way. I searched through the menu and picked Wedding Crashers. I got comfortable on the couch as Harry came into the room.

"Wedding Crashers? Are you kidding?"

"What? It's a funny movie," I said making room for him on the couch.

"Is not. Owen Wilson has been in too many movies and they're not funny anymore," he sat down and I put my legs over his lap and sat up.

"One bowl and one spoon?" I asked looking at the bowl of ice cream in his hands.

"What? Less dishes to wash."

"You have a dishwasher."

"Fine. Less dishes to put away. I'm trying to save water and energy here, Princess."

I giggled shaking my head at him and took the spoon getting a mouthful of ice cream. After the movie, Harry moved my legs and got up.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed," he stated.

"You're kidding, right? Who are you, my father?"

"Wanna get a good night sleep for the early morning run!"

"Oh no. I was hoping to sleep in tomorrow."

"C'mon. A little 5 AM jog will be good for you," Harry said coming back into the room.

"How about not?"

"Fine. You're rest. Night, Princess," he waved walking to his room.

I just sat there and groaned. He really isn't going to wake me up at 5 AM, is he? What am I saying? Yeah he would. I rolled off the couch and walked to my room. I looked around for a bit and then to the alarm clock. It was only 9. I'm not going to sleep. And I'm sure as hell ain't getting up at five in the morning. I sighed and grabbed some clothes. I got out of my room and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. I let my hair down and changed into my pj's. I headed back to my room and dove on the bed. I crawled under the covers and smiled at my comfiness. Soon, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yelled. Sure enough, Harry's head pops through.

"Hey. You asleep?"

"Does it look like I am?" I asked smiling

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