43- She's Sick

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“No, son. You’ve paid for enough! Let me take the tab this time,” Mr Thomas suggests.

“It isn’t a big deal Mr Thomas. I like paying for you guys. It makes it feel like I almost deserve being with Kayla,” I murmur honestly.

“You know what may help with that?” Ivan asks cheekily. “I could always use a car. I’m sure you’d deserve Kayla then!”

“Ivan!” Mrs Thomas reprimands, looking genuinely mad.

“No worries Mrs Thomas. He was only kidding. I’m sure. Besides, like I told you guys, you can use my car whenever you like. I’ve got two.”

“Seriously? You have two cars? What cars?” Sean asks in spite of himself.

“Well, you’ve seen the Maserati. I also have a Jag XF. I don’t drive it around as much, but yeah, that’s the most amazing car I’ve ever owned! My dad’s Rolls Royce can’t compare!” I gush animatedly.

Sean and Ivan ogle me as if I’ve suddenly become a bikini model for Sports Illustrated. Very creepy!

“So...Aureole?” I ask, trying to get over the sudden awkwardness.


“That was the best food,” Sean murmurs sleepily.

“Ever!” Ivan continues, in the same tired tone.

The six of us are in the cab, completely stuffed and half asleep already.

“Again, I’m really sorry Cal,” Mr Thomas mumbles awkwardly.

“Don’t worry about it,” I mumble back.

We had an awkward little moment when the bill came after dinner. I swear, Mr Thomas’ eyes nearly bulged out. 

“It’s completely my fault...I shouldn’t have suggested it,” I murmur apologetically.

“Cal dear, it isn’t your fault,” Mrs Thomas consoles. “You ended up paying anyway.”

I can feel the tension between Mr and Mrs Thomas and I feel so guilty. I know Aureole is crazy expensive...I just didn’t really give it much thought. I didn’t realise that the prices would look more like a barcode than a bill to Mr Thomas. Naturally I offered to pay...but now I think I may have done a stupid thing there too. It seems like Mrs Thomas is upset with her husband because he allowed me to pay.

Instead of enduring the awkward glances, I decide to just close my eyes and pretend I’m asleep. 


“I’m just going to go check on Kayla,” I call over my shoulder heading through the penthouse to Kayla’s room.

Perfectly Imperfect 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin