[ 14 ] tomorrow

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His anger is something that I can relate too. I don't know where it is coming from but it definitely wasn't something new to me.

"I'm doing it again," His voice comes out in a gruff tone. "Being a fucking asshole to you." He finishes. He tightens his fist into another ball and I grab it again.

"Stop," I say slowly to him, pulling his fist into my hold comfortingly. There was blood oozing from the little scars that he just received from punching the wall. And I cannot lie, for a moment, his rage did in fact scare me. I was worried. What was wrong with him?

His once broad shoulders were now slumped and he appeared completely done for the night. I pull his hand to the sink, gently washing the blood off. Afterwards, I look under the sink if I could find anything to use to wrap his hand but there was nothing.


"I'm sorry," He interrupts, his head low. His deep brown hair is carelessly flung all around his face. I can see his lips are stilled in a line. "I'm gonna go," He murmurs the last part, barely letting me hear his words completely. But even as he tries to leave, I tug. I don't want him to leave me.

"Wait, you can't leave like this." The deep desperation is glued to my voice and I am slightly choking on it. "You're drunk and your hand is..." I look down at his knuckles again. "not in the right condition." I push my hair behind my ear.

I look into his eyes. His brown eyes seeming more captivating than ever before. I love looking into his eyes. Why? Because they were indescribable. His eyes told a story but kept everything a mystery. It was alluring and powerful.

I sigh against him, wrapping my little arms around his large figure. "I want to come with you. I'll drive you home, okay?" I pull away a little and look into his eyes, feeling his tense figure welcome me just a little. "I just can't let you leave like this."

He doesn't say anything but just by the gentle peck to my lips, I know his answer. He slips his other hand into mine and opens the bathroom door. No one seems to pay us attention, as they are probably drunk off life right now. My fingers tingle as I feel Tristen placing circles around my skin, slowly building up that heat and tension.

I lick my lips, feeling as though they've been dry since I got in the bathroom.

Just as we're making it down the stairs, I scan the large area and see that they're more people than before. My eyes randomly fall on one person, Ryan. He's standing by a counter, drinking out of a solo cup. There's a few ladies around him, engaging with him.

If I was leaving with Tristen, I didn't want Ryan to get the wrong idea like I had run off or been kidnapped. I squeeze at Tristen's hand. He turns to me swiftly and I blow my words into his ears. "I'll meet you out front, I have to tell my friend that I'm leaving."

His eyes sidelines and looks off past my head and squints, his face scrunches. "The guy?"

I nod, standing on my tip toes and peck his lips. "I'll be back." His grasp on my hands doesn't loosen but with another pleading look I send his way, he reluctantly let's my hand go and turns away, leaving me in the crowd.


I managed to make it out of Duncan's house without much question. After telling Ryan, I fished for Maddie and Lily and told them that I was going to drive Tristen home because he was drunk. They both gave each other strange looks but shrugged to me, allowing me to go.

Tristen's truck was big and although I had never driven a truck like this, I did not want to tell him that. I was going to be his rock for tonight. He needs that help, the company. And I need that as well. I missed him. I did. I can't lie about it. And I felt absurd for it. Whatever type of addicting potion Tristen had locked under his grasp, it was working on me severely.

The Bad Boy Wants Her [ COMPLETED  ✓] | 18+Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu