ابدأ من البداية

"Wow, according to this chart you're making great progress."

"Yeah, I'm trying. The only thing I need to complete my little gym here is something to help me work on my legs.
I usually have to work out at school when it's legs day."

I reached down and lifted the edge of my shorts showing my well muscled leg. "What do you think?"

He took a look at my leg and couldn't help but to reach out and feel all the different muscles and joints.

"Wow," was the only word he managed to get out.

As his tiny nimble hands began to roam my legs. My breath caught in my throat. I could feel my heart rate sky rocketed and a thick lump began to rise in my own thin basketball shorts.

His hands were getting a little too close for comfort. Coming back to my senses I lowered the shorts to cover my leg. "So, what do you think?" I asked numbly getting over his warm slim fingers

"It looks great." he paused "I mean you gym here. Not your leg," he smiled shyly

"Cool, so I'll put together a routine for you and before you know it you'll lose the weight you want. It's going to take a lot of work and dedication. Do you think you're up for the challenge?" he asked.

He was suddenly excited, "Yes, I think so."

I smiled, "Cool. We can start next week."

After the short gym break we were back upstairs at the table for another hour of study. This time it was slavey. My knowledge of the subject impressed him.

It was nearing nine o'clock when we decided to call it quits.

"Okay, so you have your assignments for the week. We'll meet again Tuesday and Thursday after school." I nodded,

"okay, and we'll get together Monday and Wednesday for your sessions with me." He smiled a little nervous,

"Okay," he said uneasly.

"Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you since your first time."

"Thanks," he smiled.

"Okay, I better get going before my mom gets worried." He turned to leave. "I'll see ya later."

"Wait, I'll drive you."

"You don't have to do that. I can take the bus. I don't live too far."

"Hey, it's no problem." I smiled.

"Okay, that's very nice of you." He said in a grin that made me melt

"Like I said, no problem. "

The drive back to his house was a little quite. I stole glances at him and wondered what he was thinking. As we turned down his street I finally spoke,

"So I'm really glad you decided to be my tutor. I know we just started but I can already see an improvement. Does that sound too stupid? "

Not at all," he replied shocked.

"I think that all you needed was a push in the right direction."he said as we neared his home.

Rosie rolled to a stop in front of his house. I stopped the motor and turned to him,

"You know I meant it when I told you that I don't mind that you're gay." I blushed,

"Thanks, you sure don't fit the typical jock-mold."

"What's the typical jock-mold?" I asked raising an eye-brow.

"You know, macho, girl chasing, straight, ass kicking, Neanderthal." I chuckled, he was funny

"No I suppose I don't fit that mold." I did something that even surprised him. I reached over and placed my hand on top of his hand."If you have any trouble at school especially from Barry, you let me know." I squeezed his hand a little harder and smiled.

"I'd hate to see anything bad happen to you." I said making him smile

"Thank you, but I think I can handle myself." For a moment our eyes met again and time stood still. I turned my hand to interlace my fingers with his.

I smiled and he smiled back at me. "I better get going or I'll be late."

I slowly released his hand suddenly missing the warmth of his. "I'll see you on Monday." He nodded,

"Yes, on Monday."

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