Whitney's Nightmare

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Revenge of the Celestial Mage
Chapter 74: Whitney's Nightmare

I arrive home late that night from Lyon's house and head back to Fairy Tail. I felt a little morning sickness too. But why do I not remember anything? I ignore the thought and start my day normally.

I walk in the guild's doors and spot Lucy with Tamiko and Mira. "Hey minna, what's up?" They turn to me and smiled.

"Hey Whit! Okaeri!"

I hang my head down and start to sulk. "Dosh ta no, Whitney-san?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I'm fine. I'll just get going and walk home." Lucy grabs my wrist. I froze. "Whitney, I know you don't want to tell us, but I promise that we won't say anything to anyone. Because our lips are sealed."

I sighed and just pulled my wrist away. "Please leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it."

Lucy's P.O.V

What is wrong with that girl? I mean it's ok if she doesn't want to talk about it, but this one seems a little suspicious. Natsu and I weren't talking as much and Gray did seem a little less social too at times, but he'd always come when he needed to talk.

I should know how Whit feels about things. I'm sure she feels depressed after losing someone she loved, or a family member, so on and so on. But I should talk to her and see what's going on.

Whitney's P.O.V

I walk toward the Sakura trees and close my eyes. I needed my beauty sleep. I take a nap with my arms and legs crossed over. Then, I had the most scariest nightmare. A nightmare that I hope never comes true. Ever.


I'm sleeping under the Sakura trees and I quickly and suddenly awaken by the sounds of screams.

I noticed the town of Magnolia is in ruins. Zeref and the demons from his book.........and they were destroying everything. Deliora, Lullaby, Eclipsed dragons, Nemesis, E.N.D, Tartaros' Nine Demon Gates and other powerful ones. Destroying Magnolia and trying to take over Fiore.

I know I can't let that happen. I run back to the guild but it was in shambles too. "Lucy! Natsu! Rain! Doko da?!" No responses.

A ghost of Lucy, Natsu, Happy, and Lyon appear in front of me. "This is all because of you! You did this to them! To me!"

"Huh? W-Wh-Wha-What are you talking about? I don't know what I have done." "You abandoned us when we needed you the most. You left us to die!"


A man's voice cackled a laugh. I whip around to the source and it was none other than the creator of demons himself.....Zeref. "Now thanks to you, I can rule this world (with you beside me, of course). Or you have the option to restore the town and its people. But in order to do so, you must kill me."

"Even Lucy couldn't kill him? I know she could if she had the chance to! But...it seems I was proven wrong."

"Heavenly Infusion!" I chanted. Zeref laughs hysterically. "Is that the best you got? I'll show you!" He raised his hand in the air and chanted a black magic spell. "Black Pillar!" I dodged nimbly.

"Stellar Breath!"

He reflects it and it bounced back at me. "Grand Chariot!" I look down and notice six keys on the ground.

I pick them up and quickly sensed strong magic. I look at the emblems on them and decided to try summoning. I have to chant this right or they won't open. Now how does Lucy open her gates?

Oh yeah! Now I remember....here it goes.

"I Open Thee! King of the Fire/Death/Fallen Angel/Sky Dragon!" I know I was never trained in Celestial Spirit Wizardry, but I know anyone can become one if they know how to do so.

"Igneel! Morona! Grandina! Laine!"

These keys were supposed to be Lucy's dragon keys. She didn't have contract with them yet. But why?

"Morona! I need you to help me take down Zeref! You too, o great and powerful Fire Dragon King!" They nodded. "Of course Whitney! We know you comrades with Queen Lucy, so we must follow your orders."

"Death Dragon Roar!"

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

"Sky Dragon Roar!"

"Fallen Angel Dragon Roar!"

"True Heavenly Body Magic! Sema!"

Our powers combined exhausted us. I panted hard and harder still. I collapsed on the ground and the last thing I saw, were the dragons fighting for me.

Even though my power was almost drained, I knew they'd stay with their own power.

~Dream Ends~

"Whit! Whitney! Wake up!" I awoke startled as Lucy sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you're awake. You were asleep for 10 hours." I put my hand on my head and rub it. I groaned. "What happened? I just had a nightmare that I hope never comes true."

"I promise that whatever the nightmare you had while asleep, it will never come true. I guarantee it won't at all."

"Thanks Lucy...can you walk me home? I need to recover from my thoughts of what went down."

Lucy looks at me sternly. "Do you really think that any of us would die against Zeref's demons?"

"Well, ye-wait what?! How did you-" I was shocked. How does she know that my nightmare included Zeref and the demons from his book?

"I can read your thoughts, Whitney. Don't be silly, because Zeref is all taken care of." "But I don't understand. How is the most legendary black wizard of all time 'taken care' of?"

"You'll figure it out eventually..." She winked.

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