Double Thunder

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Revenge of the Celestial Mage
Chapter 27: Double Thunder

The first master sent me to an open square in Crocus where I will run into my first opponent. It was Meme Ryuu. Also a Lightning dragon slayer.

She's a blue lightning dragon slayer. She was a second generation. Good thing that I did training with the Lightning Dragon and be able to eat God Slaying attacks as well as train to be one back at the Realm. So I am known as a Third Generation.

I smirk.

"I'm going to beat you, Meme and your half-sister, Hana." I say. "Leave my damn sister out of this, just because the Raijinshu Tribe members are her bodyguards, no longer yours." she replies.

"Enough talking and start fighting." I replied and motioned her to attack me. Meme smirks. "You're talking good game, but you're going down."

Me: Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!

Meme: *eats attack* That is some gross lightning you got.

Me: Then be smart enough not to eat it.

Meme: Ha! I'm smart enough to know that you won't make the next move.

Me: *rolls eyes* Lightning Drive...

Meme: Oh, you can access Dragon Force at will huh? That's smooth.

Me: Lightning Dragon Crushing Fang!

Meme: Blue Lightning Dragon Roar!

Me: Lightning Dragon Wing Attack!

Meme: *eats attack* Why are you not eating my attacks? You're a lightning dragon slayer too plus, you're a third generation.

Me: YEP!! Which means you're going down...

Meme: Oh? *mind: This will be impossible.*

Me: You scared? You should be...

Meme: I'm not. *blushes*

Me: *raises an eyebrow* Did I just see you blush?

Meme: No. *mind: Man, this guy is hot. Hope he asks me out.*

Me: Attracted to your enemies lately?

Meme: No, of course not.

Me: Liar, of course you are.

Meme: Blue Lightning Dragon Waxwing Slash!

Me: *eats attack* That was good. My turn.

Meme: *gulps nervously* I can withstand this attack.

Me: Maybe so, but your dragon lungs don't allow you to eat God Slayer magic.

Meme: (-_-)

Me: Lightning Dragon...

Meme: Blue Lightning Dragon...

Both: Roar!

*Meme is incapitated*

Chapati: Sabertooth gets one point for defeating a member.

Me: Good game, Dragon Slayer. We'll go at it again someday.

Meme: *gasps at comment and blushes* I-I lost. I'm sorry Fairy Tail...

No P.O.V

Natsu watched Meme fall as she was defeated by Laxus on the Lacrima Vision spread out through the city of Crocus.

"I knew she never stood a chance against Laxus...there was no way she could've beat him. I barely stood a chance against him too."

Suddenly, Dahlia appeared from around the corner. "Natsu-nii!" she called. "What's up, Dahlia?"

"First Master asked me to tell you if you've run into any other guilds besides Sabertooth?" He shook his head.


Lucy gathered beside the Lost Legion. "Hey guys! I suggest you all separate into three teams of five. Besides the fact that there are 15 of you as a group."

Nina, the leader....considered that they were to add some members to be in training. So if they were to retire or be a substitute, that's where they come in.

"Because when this is all over, we should send some of our members to other parts of the continent. Besides, I heard there a group of 5 wizards. Each of them possess some kind of Blood Magic."

"Doesn't that sound kind of dangerous? Besides, how do they supply themselves? By killing something and drinking it's blood?" Kioko was purely disgusted by the thought of seeing a person drink blood.

"How about not th-"

"Hold on! I know someone who could help us. She is a user of the stars! She's just like Kioko. But she doesn't control the ocean. It's the stars themselves." Celeste interrupted.

"Where does she live?"

"Last time I contacted her, she lived in Oak Town...I just hope she still does live there."

"Then one of us goes there and brings her here. We'll need the guild's emblem on her so it's not considered illegal. I think we could use her as one of our reserve members."

"I think it'd be best if she was here with us now." Celeste nods. "I can find her. I know her the best. So let me go fetch her." Lucy hesitates. The rest of the Lost Legion agreed with her.

"Alright...good luck, and be careful, Celeste-san." She smiles and takes off. She catches a next train that goes to Oak Town.

Celeste's P.O.V

I know Nysa will be thrilled to see me. I haven't seen her since before I joined up with the Lost Legion, Lucy, and Sabertooth.

-Few hours later-

I finally arrive in Oak Town. I just hope she's still here. I vaguely remembered where she worked. It was a small diner. I don't remember the name. I enter.

The dining room was packed with people. So many couples here. More than parties of 3 or more.

"Excuse me? Is Nysa around anywhere today?" One of her colleagues pointed me in the right direction. I walk behind the counter and into the kitchen.

I see Nysa working at the stove. Cooking some food. I couldn't tell what is it was, but it sure smelled amazing!

"Nysa?" I gently whispered. She stopped what she was doing and turned around slowly. "Celeste? Is that you?"

I nod. "'s me alright."

She smiled and ran into my arms. "Oh Nysa! You have no idea how much I've missed you!" She pulled back and tears of joy streamed down her face. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to get out of this hellhole."

"Do you really consider this place...a hellhole?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yes! Of course I do. It's a flipping nightmare here in Oak Town! Like you wouldn't believe."

"Well, then I came at the right time. How long has it been since you've last used your magic for fighting?" Nysa shrugs.

"Awhile I guess....why?"

"Well, I came here on behalf of my teammates who sent me here from the blooming capital of Crocus."

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