More Than Talking

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Revenge of the Celestial Mage
Chapter 73: More Than Talking

As Lucy was explaining everything to me, I started to feel regretful for even accusing and shouting at her, a few months before. Thinking that she was a bad influence.

I can't let myself think of Lucy that way. She's my best friend. She has been and always will be.

"What did Zeref want you to do?" I asked.

"He wanted me to rejoin the guild and visit him only on special occasions. Unless he's making that a cover plan to take over the world, then I refuse to do so."

Natsu said nothing. Just kept on listening to the stellar mage explain for leave him again during their job.

"I only agreed to do so because of your outburst back then. But now that I'm explaining myself, I don't have to be angry anymore."

I smiled. I kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you're being yourself, Luce. Because that's the Lucy I know. Lucy of Fairy Tail."

She turns to me and gives me her real smile. That smile I could never resist. That was the smile I've been longing to see in awhile. I saw that Macao, Wakaba, and all the old men in our guild, quit and are officially retired.

When we found them 5 years ago, they told us that they didn't want anything to do with Fairy Tail anymore. But Lucy, offered the two men something I never imagined. I remember it all.


"Macao...Wakaba...I have the power to make you both young again and turn back your time. No one else will be affected. Just you."

Macao and Wakaba were amazed at such power that Lucy had attained. Romeo will remain at his age and everyone else will be unaffected. The two refused.

"It's not that we don't want to accept your offer, but if you really want to turn us young again, then I accept your offer." Macao says.

Wakaba refused. "I want to live the usual way of life. Live for the years I'm alive and die when I die of old age. It's the circle of life."

Lucy smiled. "...I won't stop you from your life choices."


"Farewell Wakaba!" Macao waves to his pal who always stuck by him for times. He turns to me and Lucy. "Thanks Lucy! Natsu! I am forever in your debt."

"None needed." She replies. Oh Lucy, you always know how to make me smile."

~Flashback Ends~

Lucy then was a sweet person. She respected people's decisions. Macao, was young again for those 5 years. Now he's back to Square 1 again.

Sakura met Romeo's dad and Macao, was shocked. "Sakura is my older half-sister." Romeo explains to his wizard dad. I laughed a little at Macao's expression.

These mages in Fairy Tail will never wilt or die, because we have each other to stay alive. One's pain is the guild's pain.

No P.O.V

Whitney has finally reunited with her childhood crush and best friend. She remembers that ever since that fateful day, she's loved him. She hopes that Lyon...feels the same.

Yukino's P.O.V

I remember a few years back that Natsu defended me in front of Sabertooth's master, Jiemma. He's still apart of the guild as their master now after Rob passed on. He's more strict and expects more from us than Rob did.

Revenge of the Celestial Mage {Book 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora