....and wait for me she did. I suppose I just hadn’t considered the possibility that she would be sitting there, laughing happily with Aiden.

Shaking my wet hair, I decide to leave her to it, heading for the parking lot.

“Cal!” she shouts. I turn back to find her running towards me. “Where are you going?! I need a ride back!”

I nod my head, clenching my jaw tightly as Aiden walks towards me lazily, a smirk on his face. “Hey. Good game Cal,” he compliments.

“Yeah, you too,” I mutter coldly.

The three of us stand in a triangle awkwardly for a moment, before I decide to just screw it. I nudge Kayla’s leg with my sneakers and walk towards my car.

“Bye Aiden!” she calls happily, jogging after me.

“See you around Kayla!” he calls back.

I unlock the door for her but don’t hold it open. I just climb into my seat and slam the door shut. Kayla climbs in with a huge, goofy smile on her face.

“You want to get something to eat?” I ask her softly.

“No, I’m good. Thanks,” she murmurs happily, the smile still on her face. “I’ve never seen Aiden around. Is he new?”

“Yeah. He transferred here around the same time you did. He’s a junior, but he’s our age,” I inform her coldly.

“Why’s he a junior then?” she demands, watching him in the rear-view mirror.

“I donno, some complications with paper work or something like that,” I mutter, shrugging.

“You okay Cal?” she asks after a moment.

I nod my head, not bothering to answer. “You like Aiden, huh?” I accuse sourly.

“I...no...I...I mean he’s just interesting, that’s all,” she mumbles shyly.

“Yeah, so you usually flirt with every guy who’s interesting to talk to?” I demand softly.

“I was not flirting!” she defends quickly, blushing a deep red.

I give her a sidelong glance, shrugging again.

“But it is a very nice name, don’t you think?” she finally whispers dreamily.

“Yeah...” I mumble. Obviously she doesn’t know Aiden is my middle name.

“You did good today Cal! I can see why you’re the king of the school,” she compliments sweetly.

“How would you know, Kayla? You were only watching Aiden,” I accuse softly. I hate the way I sound! It’s like I’m a jealous little kid. Man up Cafferty!

“Cal...are you...” she trails off, looking uncomfortable.

“Let’s just drop it,” I mumble.

She nods her head in compliance.

“Should I tell him to ask you out?” I suggest in spite of myself.

“What?!” she splutters, turning tomato red. “You can’t do that Cal!”

“Yeah, I can. You obviously want to go with the bloody stud. How about I just make it easy for you, huh?” I mutter bitterly.

By this time, I’m pulled over in her driveway and its dark out.

“Cal...you’re acting really weird...please, tell me what’s bugging you?” she pleads kindly.

“I’m just tired...” I mumble, dropping my gaze.

She studies me for a few long moments before nodding her head.

“Okay Cal. Get a good rest, alright? I’ll see you tomorrow?” she asks hopefully.

“Umm... no. I don’t think I’ll be heading to school tomorrow. I kinda want to head off on a road trip for a bit...it’s my brother’s birthday tomorrow,” I whisper, and I can feel my voice quiver slightly.

“Oh Cal!” she murmurs sadly. She gives me a quick hug.

“Yeah... I just can’t really deal with it yet... you wouldn’t want to join me, would you?” I ask suddenly before I shake my head. “No, no... I can’t ask you to skip school! I’m sorry... I’ll just see you around Kayla. And if you do need to talk or anything, just give me a ring, alright?” I murmur.

“Cal...I really want to go with you. I really do! And I honestly believe you shouldn’t be on your own. But I donno...”

“It’s okay, seriously. It’s alright,” I assure her, doing my best to plaster a smile on my face.

“How about this, I’ll head to school in the morning, and meet you in the parking lot? Then we can head off? Just get me home by evening and my parents won’t know,” she suggests mischievously.

“Seriously?” I ask incredulously. “That would be brilliant. But if you change your mind, just text me.”

She nods her head and climbs out of the car, waving at me.

I give her a half-hearted wave back, biting my lip.

Why do I care whether she likes Aiden or not?! It doesn’t matter to me... it shouldn’t matter to me.  

Not unless... do I like Kayla?

Perfectly Imperfect 1Where stories live. Discover now