One: I'll Lie, To Stay Safe.

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Chapter One: I'll Lie, To Stay Safe.

Terra :.:

Terra walked down the halls in her familiar high school, not looking up from her feet as usual. she was frightened if her boyfriend, Tyler caught her looking at an guy the "wrong way" then she paid for it in the worst of ways. It wasn't always terrible. When she first met Tyler, Terra thought he was every girls dream. Perfect hair, with beautiful dark eyes that matched. A great, loving, perfect, boyfriend.

That was just the beginning though. After the first five months of their relationship, Tyler started getting less interested in Terra. He could care less about calling her before bed every night like he used to. He could care less about walking her home from school, or giving her that sweet goodnight kiss. Tyler was a monster. He became this aggressive abuser, when Terra wasn't following his ruled she would pay for it...


"Hey beautiful" A warm hug surrounded Terra. When she looked up she appeared to be in front of her best friend, Josie. The only friend that Tyler allows her to have. If Josie knew about what goes on behind closed doors when Tyler and Terra are together, then she could be in trouble. Terra shuddered at the thought in mind. "Are you cold?" Her best friend asked worried. Terra slightly smiled. "No."

"Hello my favorite girlfriend" His voice used to give her those gentle butterflies in her stomach, now it just made her tremble violently in fear, awaiting his disapproval. "Hi" She squeaked out. He grabbed her chin forcefully and demanded her lips with his own. after the kiss Terra lifted her fingers to her now sore, puffy lips. She groaned internally.

Tyler gained whistles and purrs from the other girls in the hall. Terra pretended not to see the way he looked at one girl in particular, named Madison. She was a cheerleader and Terra knew that they were messing around with each other, but she dare not say anything. She would get hurt even worse than the normal. Madison stopped by Tyler, Terra and Josie watched the way Madison ran her fingers alone his shoulder. 

"Hi" Madison purred at him then smirked at the small figure beside him. Terra looked at Madison oddly. why was she smirking? "Catch you later" Madison spoke to Tyler, with a wave of her manicured fingers. "What does she mean?" Josie asked, looking at Tyler with accusing eyes. He narrowed his at Terra, who quickly looked to the floor. "She wants o study later" He explained calmly, smirking at Josie.

But Josie didn't buy it, as she pushed him Terra grew more worried about what would happen to her later at home. "That's not what it looked like to me" Josie glared at Tyler. Please Just drop it. Terra prayed in her head. Little did Josie know that everything she says and does to Tyler affects Tera's well-being.

"Well it means nothing, Terra is the only girl that I would give the time of day to" He smirked and wrapped a snaky arm around Terra who flinched noticeably. "now if you're done interrogating me, lunch is about to begin" He kissed Terra's cheek and walked her towards a different hallway, one that led to the cafeteria. Josie followed in suit.

When they reached the cafeteria Terra took note of the amount of students. They all sat at different tables, some skipped lunch period to fight, some to eat something better, and other's to merelyhook up with one another. "Oh look! Pizza today" Josie smiled warmly at Terra, who returned it as best she could. "Terr Bear, I will catch you later. i'm going to go sit somewhere different today, OK" Tyler kissed her lips aggressively and walked away from her.

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