The start

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"Lyle, I had the weirdest dream. My dad and big brother came back and visited me here." I yawned.

I heard a deep chuckle. One that isn't lyles.

I opened my eyes and looked over to my left.

"Eeee!" I squealed. "John! Your really here!"

Then I started crying. Like heavy snot bawling. I flung my arms around him and hugged my big brother tightly.

"I love you so much! I thought I lost you too!" I bawled.

"Sh baby sis, I'm here now and I'm not leaving. I love you too." He cooed to me and hugged my back.

"Where's dad?" I sniffled.

"I'm right here baby girl." I heard my dad say.

I looked over to the door and saw him standing there. I threw myself off the bed and sprinted to him. I flung my arms around his waist and squeezed. My bawling picking up again.

"Daddy! I missed you so much!" I sobbed. I sank to my knees taking him with me.

"I know baby, I missed you too, and I'm never letting you go ever again." He told my while stroking my hair.

I laughed shakily.

"What is funny my princess?" He inquired.

"I've missed how you would stroke my hair. I never thought I would but I do." I smiled through my tears.

"Oh my baby." He sighed.

I hugged him again and slowly got up.

"Where were you guys?" I asked.

"Lets go downstairs to your mate before we answer that." My brother said.

"Fine." I agreed. I ran downstairs and went into the kitchen. Lyle is sitting at the island eating cereal. He looks sad and distressed.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I asked him and hugged him from behind.

"A lot." He sighed. He turned around and hugged me back.

"Take a seat babe. We got a lot to cover." He told me.

I listened and sat down.

My dad and brother came into the kitchen and stood in front of me and Lyle.

"You two can explain. But she will probably hate you. She didn't react well when josh explained." Lyle told them.

"Tell me what? What is going on?" I asked nervously.

"Well...." My dad starts rubbing the back of his neck.

"We worked for, well, work for Derrick. He didnt kill us, he forced us to work for him. But we didn't know he raped you until much later." My brother blurted out.

I st there shocked. Absolutely speechless.

"Smooth." Commented lyle.

I punched him in the arm.

"What all happened." I choked.

"Ow by the way." Lyle complained.

"Shut up." I said.

John pov

"Ok, remember when we were attacked that night?" I asked my sister.

She nodded.

"Well we weren't killed. He kept us alive and made us these, these, super rouges. We were ordered to kill and rape women and men. Then we had to help him find and take you. It killed us angel, it did." I told her.

I continued on not letting her respond at all yet.

"When we saw you escape, we were ordered to bring you back. But we aren't. And Derrick is planning to start war with your pack." I informed them.

"WHAT!" Roared alpha Lyle.

"It's true. In fact you have at least 2 weeks before he will actually attack. He is trying to gather rouges and get any other packs he can." My dad told them calmly.

"I told you! Always! Everyone I love gets put into danger because of me!" Yelled angel to Lyle.

Then she got up and ran out of the kitchen. Lyle stood up and walked after her.

"Angel." I heard him sigh.

"Leave me alone! I'm going to Josh's room!" She yelled.

Lyle walked back in looking just tired as all hell.

"How many wolves does he have now?" He inquired.

"About 400 or so." My dad told him.

"Damn. I only have 243. 246 now. I will have to go make some calls. Make yourselves comfortable, please." He told us and walked to his office I presume.

My dad and I went into the living room and sat down.

"We'll that went kind of well." I said.

"Totally." Replied my dad.

Lyle pov

"Dammit..." I moaned.

I sat in front of my office door and started crying. Yes crying, I am crying because of this war. Because I may or may not lose my beautiful mate. Because I just might lose some of my pack members.

"I know this is bad, but your alpha, grow up." My wolf told me.

"Your right." I told him.

I wiped my tears ad got up. I went to my phone and dialed Sam's home.

He picked up after four rings.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi Sam, it's Lyle. I need your help." I told him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Derrick has issued war on us for angel. Will you help us?" I told him.

"Yes. When is he attacking?" He responded.

"About two weeks." I told him.

"My fighters will be there in a day." He responded and hung up.

I put the phone down and sighed in relief.

'Thank you moon goddess.' I silently thanked her.

I walked to my door and continued down the hall towards Josh's room.

"Yeah, my mate is wonderful. She has blue hair, big brown eyes, and full lips and eyelashes. I love her do much. Her name is Amanda." I watched josh explain happily to angel.

"She sounds amazing. I can't wait to meet here." She smiled.

"Hey, why don't we go out. Tonight, all of us. Because tomorrow we start training. Hard." I told her, startling her.

She looked at me." Sounds great."


Ending here. The next chapter will be up on a few days.

Check out DeadFool! He is pretty cool.

Also dedication to both kakelyn and dead fool.

Ok so I will update soon, bye!

Sammy D.




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