Late night reunion

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Angels pov

I leaned against the bars of the cell with tears in my eyes.

"I miss you josh." I told him.

"I miss you to angel. And I'm so sorry. I had no choice! He he stole my mate from me!" He cried.

"Lyle, please open the cell," I told him.

And he did, and I ran in and hugged josh.

"I'm so sorry! I should have listened to you, not ran!" I whispered.

"No you did what any sane person would have done." He told me and pulled away.

"What do you need alpha?" Josh asked Lyle respectively.

"I want to know everything about what's going on at derricks pack." He told him fiercely.

"There is a war coming. Soon." He told Lyle.

'A war...?' I whispered and that's when I fainted.

~ ~

' ...... I'm coming for you........'

I jerked awake and sat up panting heavily.

"Lyle...?" I whispered.

"Angel. Your awake. Angel, I have bad news." Lyle said.

"Sh. I already know. There is a war coming our way."I told him softly.

"Yes and I have agreed to help josh get his mate back." He also told me.

"Good." I whispered and pulled him to me. "Lay with me please? I need my mate right now." I told him and kissed his cheek.

"Of course my love." He replied and snuggled. Down next to me.

Next thing I realized is that I feel into the darkness of sleep.

Lyle's pov

As soon as I knew my beautiful mate had fallen asleep, I carefully got up an kissed her temple. Then I made for the door.

"Guard her door an let only my or lacy in. No one else." I commanded my brother, who is still on pack arrest.

"Of course brother." He replied and bowed his head.

I nodded and walked off back to the living room. In there stood James, Lana, Josh, and mike, my fourth in command.

"Alright boys and my sister, we are going to sneak around quietly and try to find our intruders. I want them alive too." I commanded.

"Yes alpha." They all bowed

"Good now lets go." I dismissed them and went out the front door with them following after me.

I shifted right away not worried about my clothes. All these people have already seen me naked so what ever.

I let out a quiet bark and trotted off into the woods stealth fully.

Lana pov

I shifted and ran into the woods. I closed my mind from my brother and his pack mates.

I ran right off the boundary and off towards the willow about 20 miles off my brothers pack land.

I felt around and focused on zack's and Doug's scents. Their scents led me to a small spring.

I shifted back and zack threw my his shirt.

"Thanks. Now are you guys sure you want to do this? Derrick would kill you both in a heart beat. You know that right?" I asked them.

"Yes. I want to see my baby girl." Doug told me.

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