Telling my mate

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"What's up angel?" He asked me, taking off his glasses and setting them in his shirt pocket.

"Um I need to tell you more about what happened when my pack was destroyed." I told him, while wringing out my hands.

"Alright. Just take a seat and begin when your ready." He told me and smiled politely.

"Ok" I said and smiled nervously. I sat down and put my wrists on his desk.

"Ok, what I'm about to tell you is really hard for me. And you have to promise not to get upset or yell, ok?" I told him, waiting for his reply.

"What ever you tell me I promise stays with me and I won't freak out, I swear" he said. He even went as far as the Boy Scout, scouts honor.

I giggled at him and then went serious.

"Alright, I... only told you half of the stuff the happened. And I know the pack that did that to mine.

The pack is the Cold Blood pack, lead by Alpha Derrick. He attacked my family and me personally because my father wouldn't step down to his proposal." I said sadly. A few tears started falling down my face.

Lyle got up and picked me up. He cradled me and went to the couch in his office. He sat down and put me on his lap. I curled up on him and laid my head on his chest.

"Keep going angel. I'm right here, it's ok." He told me soothingly.

"Derrick wanted me, probably because I look like his dead mate. He told my dad that if he gave him me he would spare our pack and only just take over as the new alpha since I would have been the next alpha. My older brother didn't want the position." I explained.

"Anyways, my dad said no he wouldn't do that to his little girl, everyone deserves to find her other half. Derrick flipped out and said he would be back for what's his and that my dad will suffer and the pack for his refusal." I said, my voice breaking.

"My daddy loved me so much, and he lost his life for me!" I cried. Tears falling onto lyles orange shirt.

"Of course he did! He showed you that love when he refused to give you away because he was being threatened. And he have his life in honor to his pack."

"Now that I know that, that bastard Derrick did this, your pack would have been destroyed anyways. He lies and he would have raped your women and killed your pack. He has been at us for a few years now." Lyle explained. His voice sad and guilty because he couldn't have helped me and stop his female pack members from being raped and killed.

"I'm sorry." I murmured.

"Don't be, but I will tell you more about his attacks later. Finish telling me about what happened to you." He told me and gave my body a reassuring squeeze.

"Alright, well he had left but not before he told us he would be back. He never said when, so dad only took it seriously for the first week or two. Then we started relaxing. That was a huge mistake.

We had stopped putting up extra guards and stopped the extra trainings. Then a few days after we stopped stressing, we, my family an some friends, were all sitting in the pack dining room eating." I said and my breath caught in my throat in the moment of remembering what had happened two years ago.

"A-a young boy, Clark, just a pup still at 10, came running in yelling 'attack attack! The cold blood pack is attacking!' My dad jumped up from the table and ran out the door. Aiken my brother followed him out.

Me, the boy and my mom ran downstairs to the basement/ holding area and hid. We could still hear all the destruction and pain. My dads pack was losing." I said. Tears flowing down my eyes. I lifted my head up and looked at lyle. He looked like he wanted to rip something.

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