My First Date ( continued )

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"Hey, angelll! Psst wake up mate!" Whispered a guy, but not any guy, my mate Lyle.

"Uh, is my... FOOD!" I shrieked loudly. A huge plate of chicken fettuccini sat in front of me. I didn't even notice all the people staring at me.

""Yummy! Food is are friends! An I eatchu all!" I said. I felt Lyles eyes on me.

"What?" I asked looking up.

"You are a dork. You know that right?" He told me smirking.

"Yep!" I told him and smiled. I only feel a little nervous around him. Believe it or not, but I think I want my mates touch.

I turned back toy food and picked up my fork. I stabbed it into the middle of my pasta and twirled it till the fork grew in width. Then I picked it up and shoved the massive bite into my mouth.

"Mmmhh!" I moaned out loud. "This is delicious!"

Again people were staring at me and some were even smiling. I blushed lightly. The. I looked at Lyle. He is grinning and has.. what? Barbecue sauce all over his chin.

I spluttered out a laugh. " ah, Lyle. You have sauce all over your face." I told him and laughed. He grabbed a napkin, aka his shirt and wiped his face.

"Really?" I asked still smiling.

"Yes. What? I have another shirt."he told me.

"You better." I warned him, my wolf coming out a little in jealousy. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

I turned back to my delicious food and ate a few more huge bites. I then laid my fork down after my 4 bite, stuffed.

I looked at Lyle and saw his plate empty.

"So ready for our next part of the date?" He asked me while leaving the money and a tip at the table. He even helped me out of the booth.

"There's more!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." He told me smiling nervously.

"Yay! Of course lets get going then!" I replied enthusiastically.

I yanked his arm towards the door outside to the car.

"Ok k I'm coming!" He yelled. I squealed.

He unlocked the car and I jumped in. He got in slower than me though.

"Hurry up!" I complained, "I want to no where we are going now!"

He got in fully and chuckled. "This your first date?" He asked me, I nodded like crazy.

He got a thoughtful expression. "How am I doing so far do ya think?"

"Actually this has been fun! Josh never let me go anywhere public!" I told him.

"Ok well lets get going. The place I'm taking you is only a few minutes away." He told me excitedly.

"I hope it's fun!" I squeaked. He just laughed and started his car. He fishtailed on to the road and hit the accelerator when we straightened out. I giggled.

After passing a few buildings we got outside of town and I saw a... Aw fair!

"Eeee! A fair! Can we go? Please please please!" I begged him.

"I don't know..." He said smirking at me from the drivers side, getting closer to the fair grounds.

'So...close' I thought to myself.

"Please! I will love you forever! Please!" I almost yelled desperately.

"Oh alright. Just because you will love me forever now." He told me giving in.

"Yay!" I yelled as he pulled into the parking area and found a spot close to the entrance.

"Oh my god I love you soo much right now!" I yelled when we both got out of the car. Then I saw his shirt. I started laughing hard.

"What? Why are you laughing?" He asked me looking confused.

"Y-you still h-have barbecue o-on your shirt!" I pointed out stuttering from the laughter.

"We'll what do you know? I do!" He said. He pulled off his shirt and I. One from the back.

"Much better" I told him giggling. We walked up to the entrance and Lyle bought us out tickets.

We went in and I pulled him straight games.

"Lyle? Would you please win me a that cheetah?" I asks him.

"Yah, I will try." He told me and smiled brightly.

"Yay! Ok thanks." I yelled, we then turned to the guy and he told Lyle what to do.

He ended up winning me the cheetah and we left the games. I wrapped one arm around my cheetah, and the other is holding Lyle's huge one.

"Can we go to the petting zoo?" I asked him.

"Oo! I just love the goats!" Lyle told me smiling like a little kid.

I giggled at that. 'Wow he would be one really big, little kid'

"What?" He asked.

"Nothin. Come o. Lets go pet goats!" I told him and pulled him into the pen.

We ended up staying in there for a good hour and a half. Just feeding the goats and bunnies and lamas. And petting them.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked Lyle.

"About eh 4:30 ish. " he told me.

"Ok do you want to go and ride some of the rides?" I asked him hopefully.

"Yah" he told me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the pen towards the first ride.

The twirlt a wheel. We got on and rode it five times.

We did this with all the rides except the ferris wheel.

It finally got dark and we got some fair food.

"Hey what time is it now?" I asked him again.

"About 8" he replied.

"Wow really. That's-" my words got got off by a huge yawn.

"Are you tired my angel?" He teased.

"Psh naw" I said and then contradicted myself by yawning again.

"Yah ok, come on, lets get you home mate." He said and picked me up.

"Thanks" I mumbled and kissed his jaw before snuggling into his chest.

"Oh before I pass out, I um think I love you" I whispered and closed my eyes.

I thought I heard him say the same thing before I fell asleep on his arms.


Hi so how is this chapter!?

And I'm sad to say but I lost one of my followers:( I don't know why but maybe that's a sign that I need to work harder and do better on my books.

Please people, comment so I know what to do, do I need to fix stuff, update faster, or what? I won't know unless you comment.

Thank you all that are reading this though! You all are friggin awesome!

Ok comment and vote.

I want three votes and at least one comment please!

Thanks tons

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