Chapter 10

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We walked in and right away she pulled me to the food court.

"Why are we coming here?" I asked her while smiling.

"To feed you! Now what kind of friend and pack member would I be if I didn't get food in you for breakfast?" She replied playfully.

"Well not a very good one. But hey, I only wonder what Lyle would do." I teased back.

"Girl. Don't get me started. My ass would be grass if you didn't get your breakfast" she smiled.

"Puh-lease girl! Not with me around! I like you and together, we are gonna be little shits and get away with it all." I told her while grinning evilly.

She grinned with me and pulled my to a table.

"Alright, what do you want for breakfast?" She asked me.

"How about Mcdonalds?" I threw out.

"Eh. What about Burger King?" She asked back.

"That actually sounds great. I'm in!" I agreed instantly.

We got up and went into the BK line.

"Ok the woman in the grey sweater is in our pack and the older guy in front of us." Whispered lacy.

"Ok thanks" I whispered back.

"Your welcome" she whispered while the line took forever to move.

"Why are we whispering? I feel stupid" I told and smiled.

"I don't know. Just wanted to see how long I could keep you whispering." She said in a regular voice while smiling and shrugged her shoulder.

We are now waiting for the guy in front of us to order then we are up.

"Why you evil little shit!" I laughed playfully.

Lacy just laughed at me while walking to the counter.

"What can I get you lacy?" Asked a cute, but kinda gay looking guy.

"Hey Ethan. Can I get the French toast stick thinges?" She asked him.

"Sure. And what can I get for you miss?" He asked me politely.

"Can I get a number three please?"I asked him.

"Is that all?" He inquired.

"Yes Ethan. Thanks." Thanked lacy. He just nodded his head. We stepped aside to wait for our food.

My beast is starting to wake up and is roaring loudly. Lacy just laughed at me and shook her head.

"What? My beast is hungry" I told her defensibly.

"I know"was all she told me and continued to smile.

Before I could get any more defensive our food was slid in front of us. 'Yay' I celebrated internally.

Lacy grabbed the tray and sat at our table. I looked around while she went to get napkins. For 10 in the morning this place sure is busy.

A lot of people are staring at me. All of them wolves. That much I know.

Before I could get up and go smack this one guy, Lacy came back.

"Hey, sorry girl. I had to pee." She apologized.

"That's fine. Lets just eat." I told her and took a huge bite out of my amazing sandwich.

I ate it in a minute and looked at lacy. She isn't even halfway done yet.

"Holy hell girl! You ate that like really fast!" She exclaimed. I smiled at her.

"Tomboy" was all I said.

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