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Chapter 2

I woke up suddenly panting hard. My entire body was covered in sweat and I couldn't seem to stop shivering. I slowly got off the bed and made my way to my bathroom. Flipping the switch, I went straight to the sink and splashed some cool water on my face. I looked in the mirror at my haggard face and sighed heavily.

- I hate that nightmare- I thought to myself while drying my face off with a hand towel. I walked out of the bathroom and turned off the light before crawling back into bed. Surprisingly I fell back asleep instantly with no more dreams or nightmares.


I yawned while stretching out my sore muscles. As I looked around the familiar bedroom I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. I just sat there in a peaceful quiet.

Getting up finally, I made my way into the bathroom to relieve my bladder before taking a warm shower. Once the water warmed up I stepped under the shower head. I scrubbed my hair clean of grease and caked mud with my apple scented shampoo. My body next after I cleaned my hair with my vanilla cream body wash. Finally clean and relaxed I climbed out of the shower wrapping a fluffy pink towel around me. I went back into my bedroom to get dressed and pack a bit of stuff for my next journey. Going to my closet, I quickly grabbed and slipped on underwear and a bra. Next I grabbed out dark blue skinny jeans and a tight blue tank top. To finish my outfit I grabbed Josh's leather jacket and my spiked high heeled boots. After I finished getting my clothes on, I walked over to the vanity and mirror to check my outfit. My long brown hair curled itself in loose ringlets to frame my round face, my mocha skin seemed to glow, I puckered my full lips into a pout while fixing my long lashes. I applied some mascara and eyeliner to make my brown eyes pop a bit more before grabbing my duffel bag from the closet and heading downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a small granola bar from the pantry and started eating it quickly. It'd been about two days since I had actually eaten.

-yum!- I hummed to my wolf. She grumbled a little.

After I finished my small breakfast, I went to the safe we keep hidden in the floor boards and took a couple hundred dollars. I locked the safe after putting the money in my bag and pushed the floorboards to cover it once again. I got up and got another small granola bar from the pantry.I tucked it into my jacket as I grabbed the keys to the viper. I went out to the garage, got in and left. I took a few deep breaths and immediately smelt honeysuckle and rain, the scent of Josh. I smiled softly as I thought about him and passed through the forest that hides our cabin from the world.

Once I made it on the highway, I plugged my phone into the aux and started blasting twisted insane through my speakers. After about 35 minutes of driving, I arrived to the small town of Haven. I took a small breath signaling to my wolf I was officially in the pack territory. I pulled up to the café right next to the pack boundary for lunch, and my wolf started yelling and yipping at me to hurry up and get in there.

-hurry your butt up!- she yelled at me.

- ok, ok I am- I told her flustered.

Why is she so worked up? Maybe she's just hungry?

Tuning her out, I opened the door and walked inside. I made my way to an empty table and seated myself. A waiter, human by the smell of it, came over to take my order. I ordered a bacon cheeseburger with fries.

After my order was taken I looked around the diner to see who all from the pack might be here. My eyes immediately spot Sam and some guy sitting across from him. Sam's back was to me thankfully. My wolf started growling and yipping loudly in my head though.

-Mate!- she yelled at me. -Mate! Mate! Mate!-

-Shut up!- I hissed at her venomously. She snarled back at me completely unsatisfied with my response to this knowledge.

Alpha Trapped *Starting Editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora