Hello. Remember me?

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Angel pov

After all the guys finished I cleared the table and washed the dishes while the guys went to watch tv.

I looked over at the stove clock. 7:29 pm.

I finished the dishes and went out to the living room.

"Hey, um I'm tired and I wanted to know where my room is." I told Lyle.

"Yeah, sure. Follow me." He said as he got up and went up a flight of stairs.

"Here is your room, angel."he told me.

"Thanks" I whispered and went in.

Once in there, I turned off the light and collapsed on the bed. I was out like a light.


I am running, running away into the forest.

Away from home. Tears falling down my eyes.

My parents dead, my pack, my brother, and my virginity taken.

I crossed what used to be my border and ran away.

I am a rogue and I'm 15. I kept running till daylight broke.

I have to stop and rest.i fall on my side and breath deeply. I try to get up but I cant.

Then I hear rustling. I low whine escapes my muzzle.

I huge golden brown wolf steps out. I instantly know he is a rogue.

I shift back naked, tears streaking down my face. He shifted back also. I broke out into loud sobs.

"Shhh" he cooed. " I won't hurt you. How long have you been rogue?" He asked concerned.

"A- a day" I whimpered.

"It's ok. Come with me and I will help you." He told me. I got up and went to him.

Right as I got to him, my legs collapsed. He caught me and picked my up bridal style.

"Thanks" I had whispered.

"Your welcome. And my names Josh" he said.

"I'm angel" I replied then passed out.

(Dream end)


I woke up slowly. The room I'm in is pitch black. My eyes slowly adjust. Once I can see again, I slowly get up.

I walk into the bathroom, pee, wash my hands, and brush my teeth with a spare toothbrush.

When I finish,I go downstairs and find its empty.

"Eh. What ever. I will just go for a run." I said out loud to myself.

I did just that. I ran outside and stripped down in the woods. Then I brought my wolf forth and shifted easily. I ran towards their border and ran beside it.

After running for 20 minutes I stopped and sat down. Then I smelt a terrible evil smell. I looked at the woods on the other side of the border.

I gasped in my wolf form. There stood the alpha that had raped and killed my pack.

"Hello. Remember me?" He asked with a sick smile. I shuttered as thoughts of what he did to me came rushing back.

I whimpered a small whimper then growled.

"Tsk tsk tsk. No no, that is no way to treat me. You are mine." He said.

I snarled at him and shook my head.

He just laughed.

"Do I remember how I ravished your body dear? How I took it and warped you? What I made you do and see?" He asked with a sick, cruel smile.

I visibly shuttered again.

"Ah. You do." He told me.

I snarled and then ran back to the pack house.

"You can run my plaything! But you can't hide from me! I will always find you!" He yelled at me before I got out of earshot.

Huge tears gathered in my eyes. I made it to the back yard and shifted to get dressed. Once dressed and inside, I ran up to my room.

I flung myself onto my bed right as huge sobs started racking my chest and body.

Not even 10 seconds later, a very distraught Lyle came rushing in. I walked over to me, got on the bed and pulled me close.

I leaned in to him needing to be comforted. Even if he is a no good, hormonal guy.

I started to calm down and finally fell asleep.

In Lyles strong amazing arms.

Tears still streaking down my face.


Hi!!!! It's short sorry bout that!

But at least I updated! Points for trying?

Anyway, on to business. School has been busy and stuff. And my family won't give me a break on chores and "family time" so I can't write.

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And fan!!!! 

Sammy D

Alpha Trapped *Starting Editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora