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I lunged towards Sam and met him head on in mid shift. The moment our bodies connected we became a blur of biting and clawing masses. I was winning with my jaw around his throat until he managed to flip me over onto my back. He pinned me in that spot and snarled in my face. Me not showing weakness to anyone, snarled right back up at him. I brought up my paw quickly and slashed at Sam's face. I felt his skin tear from making a solid connection. He jumped off of me with a yelp before he growled.

He worked to control himself, so I took the chance to look over at Lyle. Six men were holding him down to keep him from coming over to us. I just shook my head and then charged at Sam again to finish what was started. I jumped and landed on his back biting into his neck roughly.

Before I could do anything though he rolled and I was knocked off being sent a few feet away. I got up quickly to attack again but then 4 men came out and restrained me to the ground.

I snarled viciously and tried everything I could to get away. One of the men must have pinched a nerve in my neck causing me to let out a short bark of pain before causing me to shift back. Once I had shifted back my mate must have lost all control and shifted. He barreled through the men restraining me while snapping his maw at them all. Lyle curled his huge body around mine, shielding me from other people's view while making sure no one harmed me while I started to slowly heal.

"Thank you." I whispered with a cracked voice as I leaned my aching body against his. For the first time since being with Josh I allowed myself to touch and find comfort in another man, even if it was only briefly. I, in that moment, relished in the contact my body made with his soft fur.

That was short lived though before a  sharp pain hit me hard. I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head before  everything went black. My adrenaline rush finally crashed and my body went completely slack into my mates side as I collapsed.



"Why does my head hurt so bad? I swear I didn't hit it." I muttered to myself as my eyes fluttered open. Every in of my body hurt and the light that was on me wasn't making me feel any better.

"Thank god you're alright. How are you feeling?" I heard someone ask me. My eyes slowly moved toward the person who had spoken. They connected with Lyle's worried gaze from the chair beside the bed I was lying on.

"I- I'm fine. Thank you." I replied while rubbing my neck softly to release the tensed up muscle. What the hell happened? I only remember my wolf taking control and shifting us before I lost all notion of what was happening.

"I'm glad the damage wasn't anymore severe. I swear to you Sam will pay for carrying on a fight with you and making the order to have you knocked out. He knew better than to hurt you and will be facing the court of alphas." My mate spoke in a hard voice.

His gray eyes briefly flashing red. He looked beyond pissed, and very serious too. The only thing I could really pay attention to though was how outlined and handsome his face looked with that hard look in his eyes. A small smile crept onto my face at my little assesment before I shook it away.

" I appreciate it Lyle. I truly do, but those steps won't need to be taken. I initiated the fight and I am a rogue. He did what any alpha would for his pack and I don't need protecting. You have no reason to help me or care, I'm still leaving." I spoke in a steady voice when all it wanted to do was crack. I sat up slowly and tied my hair up in a pony with the band I still had on my wrist.

"Why are you fighting our bond so hard. Why won't you acknowledge I'm your mate. You can't just leave me." He whimpered in a hurt and angry voice.

Shit. It pains my heart knowing I'm hurting him and his wolf. It's just, too complicated.

" I just.. I can't tell you what happened. Not now. And I do acknowledge you as my mate, and I guess I just don't trust you. I don't trust anyone." I muttered pathetically. It was true, I trusted no one, except Josh and that still took years.

"I can't say I understand, because I don't. But if it's my ability to protect you, trust me I can. And will. I'm not expecting you to just put your blind trust in me, but can't you at least give us a chance? I swear if you can't do it after 2 weeks I will let you leave." he bargained. My breath stopped in my throat after I made the mistake to look in his eyes and seeing the hope and sadness swimming in those gorgeous pools of gray

"I.. oh Lyle. You are making it so hard to deny you. I can give you 2 weeks, but only because I don't want to sit in prison here or be near Sam. " I told him sternly, trying to stop him from getting too happy. I really didn't plan to stick around.

" I can live with that. But I truly believe you won't want to leave. " Lyle smiled a cheeky smile at me before helping me out of the bed. "Now let's get you downstairs so we can leave this filthy dogs house." Another cheeky smile and a wink.

I snorted in response to his attitude before grabbing his arm for support. My legs felt like jelly after the fight.

"Lets go" he said as we both made our way out of the room I was in and went down to Sam's living room. Sam was sitting on the chair and then there were two of his men standing by him. He had a nasty cut on his face over his left eye.

The rest of the guys that were there were probably all Lyle's men and they were sitting on the couch leaving only the other chair open.

Lyle sat on the chair and I looked at him numbly. He just shrugged and patted his lap.

"No." I said not wanting to sit on him and sat on the floor. I could feel Lyle's wolves trying not to laugh as I felt him burn a whole in the back of my head.

"Please?" He whispered softly.


"I'll buy you supper?" He negotiated. I thought about it. I really did and decided I was starving. Especially since I never got to eat lunch yesterday. Or supper.

"Fine." I sighed in defeat and got up before sitting on his lap. His hands immediately wrapped around my waist and my wolf purred. I ignored the pleasurable shocks being  sent down my body as I gave a pointed look at Sam and his little guards.

"Alright loser. What do I need to do before I can finally leave. "I asked Sam with as much disrespect that I could muster.

"Who was your pack? When did you leave? And why did you leave?" He fired off immediatly with more patience then I thought he could possibly have.

Well shit. It figures he would ask all of that at this time.


Ok people here is chapter 5. So how was this one. What did you all think?




Sammy Rae

Alpha Trapped *Starting Editing*Where stories live. Discover now