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I pushed myself even harder to make sure he couldn't catch me.

Finally making it to the woods, I shifted into my beautiful wolf and ran even faster than if I was in my human form.

-Now they really won't catch me because my pack was the fastest alive in wolf form and I happened to inherit that feature.- I thought to myself.

-what the hell!- my wolf screamed at me.

-what?- I asked, knowing very well why she was pissed at me.

-turn back!- she ordered loudly. She sounded so desperate and it broke my heart doing this to us.

-nope.- I said back to her. Popping the 'p'. I had the make sure she couldn't read my emotions or she may take those and take over.

I heard a twigs snap from behind me and I turned my big head to see about 20 wolves running towards me.

'Wow, I must be getting slow or something for them to get this close to me' I thought to myself. I need to focus or this may end the way I don't want it to.

Smirking in my head, I picked up more speed. I flew forward leaving them all in the dust as I worked my muscles even harder. I let out a barking laugh as the trees and forest became a green blur.

After about ten minutes of running, I heard a twig snap really close to me and before I could react, I was tackled. I landed hard on my shoulder and rolled a few times before stopping on my stomach.

'Fucker! He got me!' I yelled.

I growled loudly at one of Sam's pack members. But before I could get on my feet and run again, I was surrounded by 50 wolves or so.

'Dammit!' I yelled to know one in particular. Frustration overtook my mind as I snarled at myself and shook my big head.

Being a Rogue has its perks though, because I know how to fight dirty and I know I can take out about 20 of these wolves before being taken down. Before I could attack anyone though, Sam stepped out in shorts halting my movement.

Lyle stepped forward next and started walking towards me. I snarled ferociously at them both. Sam looked bothered at me attitude and Lyle backed off a bit and stopped coming towards me.

"Shift back!" Ordered Sam. I growled at him loudly, showing him all of my teeth.

-no way in hell will I shift in front of all these men! He must be stupid!- I yelled in my head.

I just shook my head at him while glaring hard.

"Then I will just have to make you shift by force." he snarled at me, shifted, and lunged towards me.

Finally I get a real fight, it's been so long. I ran after him and met him mid lunge, my teeth bared aggressively.


Thanks for reading so far and it would be nice to get help telling people about my book.


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And FAN..

Sammy Rae

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