Dont just stand there! Do something!

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Lyle pov

I watched as all of the guys that came with Derrick cross my border and ran towards us.

I jumped up and lunged at the first one that got to us. I grappled with him, having a bit of a hard time dropping him.

Damn this guy is tough.

/ be careful angel. They are extremely strong somehow. / I cautioned her quickly.

/ just shut up and fight. Call your pack. / she snapped. Her wolf in control and fighting ferociously.

I felt pride, but the feeling quickly left when I felt the wolf I'm fighting bite into my shoulder.

I snarled at him and broke his weak grip. I sat there stunned a little from the blow my paw made to his head, so I bit into his neck and snapped his spine. He crumpled to the ground.

But before I could get over to angel, another wolf attacked me.

/ I need all pack fighters to the eastern border line now! / I sent out after I dodged a while lung from the wolf that tried for my neck.

I snarled at him and jumped over him. Big mistake.

Right as my stomach got over his head, he jumped up and raked his razor sharp claws across my soft under sides.

I landed on my face crumpled and couldn't really get up.

"NO!" I heard the human voice of my angel yell.

I shifted back to my human form and clutched my body into a tight ball.

It feels like my insides are burning. I tried holding the scream but couldn't. I heard my mate sobbing. Then I heard a distinctive 'thud' and then heard someone fall.

"No. Don't take her." I whispered weakly.

I looked up and saw Derrick holding my angel bridal style. He smirked at me and then snapped his fingers. Then I felt a blow to my head and I was out.

"Alpha?" I heard a quite, watered down voice say.

"Alpha? Can you hear me! Open your eyes alpha!" I heard again but a little quieter this time.

I tried opening my eyes and succeed a little. I saw a blurry figure leaning over me but the person is really blurry.

I closed my eyes again and felt the darkness pulling at me.

"Alpha! Open your eyes!" I heard again. But I ignored it.

I just want to give into the dark. I don't want to feel this horrible pain, the pain that's burning through my mid section. It hurts so much right now.

"Do not give into the dark, dammit! You'll die!" I heard someone yell. But who?

Just as I'm about to dive into the peaceful dark abyss, someone flashes across my mind. Someone beautiful, strong and mine.

Mine..... Angel!

"Angel!" I yelled and snapped my eyes open.

I tried sitting up and was pushed down by someone's gentle but firm hands. That's when I felt the full extent of my wounds as cried out in pain.

"Lay down now alpha!" Someone demanded. Karey, our pack doctor.

I snarled mostly at myself then her for my pain and wounds.

"Where is my mate! Where is angel!" I demanded.

" I can't tell you now. You will flip and hurt yourself." Karey told me ad pushed me down again.

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