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*Michael's POV*

"Angel? It's time to get up" a smile forms on her face and she squeezes me tightly. How did I ever get this lucky? I didn't sleep, I've just been lying here with her in my arms for the last two hours while she slept. Sometimes I just need to take the time to remember what I am lucky enough to have. My family, my band, and Cara. The only three things that matter to me.

"Angel, I know you want to shower and get ready before we have to go. Come on gorgeous." She finally props herself up on my chest and looks at me with those beautiful gray eyes.

"Did you sleep at all?"

I shrug and tell her "I didn't need to. Just holding you was all the rest I needed. I'm really sorry about earlier."

"Sorry? For what?" she was genuinely confused.

"I know you were extremely embarrassed and if it just my mates, it wouldn't have been as bad, but I need to watch what I say. I know how you feel about things that are 'dirty' and while I LOVE that you're willing to try, twice in 24 hours isn't the way to do it. I don't want to push you."

"Michael, I'm not upset about the 'hot dirty sex'. I just was really embarrassed. You're right, if it was just Ash, Calum and Luke, it wouldn't have been as bad. Even moreso, if Ash didn't know how I feel about anything dirty, I probably could've shrugged it off a lot easier. I'm more upset at him than anything because he DOES know and still announced it. But, I'm trying. If I was normal, we wouldn't even be having this conversation."

"Please stop blaming yourself for everything angel! Life is not your fault. We'll just have to be more careful next time." I tell her, giving her a wink letting her know I'm joking with her, but I am hopeful for a next time. "Now go get in the shower and get ready. I can't be late to soundcheck."

While she's in the shower, I text Ashton to see how things are going at the arena.

To Mike
All good. Just chilling getting to know the guys. How's CareBear?

To Ash
Good. Rested. You need to talk to her though.

To Mike
K. When will u get here?

To Ash
When she's ready. She's showering

After her shower, she gets dressed and blowdries her hair. She always let's it airdry, and I think I've only seen it styled once. I'm excited to see when she's ready. As she's in there getting ready, I hear her humming Marianas Trench songs. She finally comes out of the bathroom asking if she looks alright. Holy shit! She looks fuckin hot! I know my mouth is gaping open as I stumble through the words that are trying to come out of my mouth, unsuccessfully. "Yeah, you, holy, uh, shit..." She laughs, "Thanks. Let's go then." She takes my hand and leads me out the door.

*Cara's POV*

We arrive back at the arena around 2:30, so there's plenty of time before soundcheck, which is good because I really want to talk to Ashton for a few minutes. We make our way to the dressing rooms and I have Michael make sure it's clear before I enter the one for 5SOS.

I walk inside and all 8 of the guys are horsing around. Such a comical sight to see.

"CareBear! You're back! And DAMN! You actually look HOT!"

"Actually? So glad you think so highly of me in my normal state Ash! Thanks!" He turns red and starts stumbling his words.

"I didn't.. I mean.. You just..." I can't help but laugh at him.

"It's fine Ash! Can I talk to you for a few minutes though? Privately?" I want to get this off my chest so we can enjoy the rest of the day.

We walk out into the hall and I start once we're far enough away.

"Ashton, um, about earlier, with Michael..." I don't know how to say it after all. Shit.

"No, hey! I'm sorry CareBear. I know how you feel about things that could be considered dirty. I'm not going to lie, I am really surprised lately with the things you're doing, and I hope Michael's not pushing you to do things you're not comfortable with, but I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes!"

"Yeah you do," I said with a smile. "Ashton, I really appreciate how much you look out for me. And with being the only girl among 9 guys, I REALLY appreciate it. Earlier was actually my idea, and I enjoyed it. I'm trying to not let my past control my life. But I would really appreciate it if you didn't intentionally embarrass me when it comes to that stuff. Especially around people I don't really know. I don't trust them and I really don't want anything to come remotely close to trying to explain around my demons, ya know?"

"I know. I'm really sorry CareBear. I promise to be more careful with what I say. Now, let's go have fun!" He picks me up over his shoulder and I squeal as we enter the dressing room. I'm laughing uncontrollably as he flops me off his shoulder onto the couch next to Michael and walks back to where he was sitting earlier. Michael looks down at me, laughing. "All good?"

"All good."

a/n I know the tour dates/locations aren't correct. I'm taking the TMH tour backwards, ok? Just work with me here!!! ;)

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