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*Michael's POV*

The week drug by. It's finally Friday and we're loading our bags in the back of Regan's Jetta, because it has the best sound system. Calum and I decided to bring our guitars in case we get bored. We've been holding practices this week to make up for being gone this weekend.

I walk out the door and head to the car when Cara's mouth drops. "You went brown?!" she exclaimed.

"He dyes his hair every few weeks. It won't last long!" Calum tells her laughing. I'm not telling her that Regan told me Cara's dad would freak out if my hair was green. I dyed it to make this weekend more comfortable for her, but no one is going to know that. I want to make a good impression. I've never cared about that before, but Cara's different. I'm not taking any chances.

Cara spots my guitar case and raised an eyebrow at me, smirking. As she passes me, she says, "You better make use of that thing this weekend!" then yells "SHOTGUN!" and hops in the front passenger seat.

An hour into the drive up north, Calum starts squirming. "Why do the two biggest people in the car have to sit in this tiny backseat? This is not fair!" Both girls start laughing and turn the music up. Bon Jovi comes on and both girls squeal as they turn it up louder, screaming the lyrics.

"Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
He's down on his luck...
It's tough, so tough

Gina works the diner all day
Working for her man,
She brings home her pay
For love, for love

She says, "We've gotta hold on to what we've got.
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.
We've got each other and that's a lot.
For love we'll give it a shot."

Whoa, we're half way there
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Tommy's got his six string in hock
Now he's holding in
What he used to make it talk
So tough, it's tough

Gina dreams of running away
When she cries in the night
Tommy whispers,
"Baby, it's okay, someday...

...We've gotta hold on to what we've got.
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.
We've got each other and that's a lot.
For love we'll give it a shot."

Whoa, we're half way there
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Livin' on a prayer

We've gotta hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got

Whoa, we're half way there
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Whoa, we're half way there
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Whoa, livin' on a prayer"

I've never seen Cara so care-free. I find myself falling deeper and deeper. For once, I don't mind. This is going to be a fun weekend!

After fours hours stuffed in the backseat, we arrive at Cara's parents house. Its a small tan two story outside of the city. Small, but homey in a cute neighborhood. A small kid with curly black hair runs out the front door and jumps in Cara's arms.


"Hi James!!! I've missed you bud!!!"

"I missed you too!" He looks over her shoulder and spots Regan. "Ray Ray!" He calls to her.

"Hi Jay! Have a good birthday?"

"Yeah! I missed you!"

"Same here bud."

James then starts looking around, looking at me and Calum, then leans back in Cara's arms, putting his hands on her cheeks. "Where's TJ?" he asks. The four of us stiffen then Cara puts a forced smile on her face.

"TJ's not going to be around anymore," she answers. He scowls at her.

"But I like TJ!" he's starting to get upset so I move over to the two of them.

"Hi James! I'm Michael, and this is Calum," pointing to my tan dark-haired friend. "We're friends with your sister and Regan." He looks at each of us then squirms out of Cara's arms, stomping away into the house silently. I looked at Cara and she shrugged. I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"He's known TJ since he was 2. He'll warm up to you quick. I did," and walks into the house. Well damn! I can't help but smile.

The three of us follow them inside and are introduced to her brother David. He puts on the appearance of a bratty 13 year old ginger (which he is), but you can see that he looks up to his big sister. Regan teases him relentlessly and he locks himself in his room. She really is like a sister to them.

Cara's parents come out and I feel myself sweating, I'm so nervous. Her dad eyes Calum and I up and down as he says hello to both Cara and Regan. I'm a few inches taller than him, but he outweighs me by about 100lbs. He's intimidating! Why did I agree to this again?! Cara's mom pops out from behind him and I can't help the surprised look on my face. She's so young! She looks barely 30! I guess the surprised look on my face tells her dad I don't know Cara very well and he finally smiles.

After all the introductions are done, I look between Cara and her family. The only similarities I see are between her and David. They have the same cute freckles across their nose and cheekbones and Cara's had has a red tint in the sunlight that's the same color as David's ginger hair. I've never seen a family look so unsimilar.

I start looking around at all the pictures on the walls and find a wedding picture that's really stumping me. Its obviously her dad, with a different lady than her mom. Cara looks just like her. And a small girl around 3. She has Cara's eyes and smile.

"That's my real mom," Cara quietly says, "She - she passed away 10 years ago". Her eyes tear up as she looks at the picture in admiration. She sniffles and continues. "That," pointing to the little girl, "is me." she chuckles. "Wasn't I cute back then?! Dad adopted me shortly after they got married. I've never met my real dad. He found out mom was pregnant and took off."

Oh shit. Okay. That's intense. I don't know what to do with this new information.

"David was born shortly before Mom got sick. I had to be his mom for years, until Pam came along. James is Dad and Pam's." Now everything makes sense. Her family dynamics obviously bother her, but she loves her family. Its obvious in her eyes.

She sits back on the couch and Calum and I leave them to catch up time. I hear TJs name brought up. That's my queue to leave.

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