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"It's only a few months baby. Please don't cry. You'll finish out this semester at USC, then you'll be transferring over with me. We can do this, and then we will spend the rest of our lives together." TJ tries to reassure me through my never ending tears.

"Final boarding call for flight 1120 nonstop to Washington Dulles International"

"I really have to go catch my flight beautiful. I love you and only you. I'll see you soon!"

As TJ gets in line to board the plane, my best friend Regan gives me a quick hug goodbye.

"I'm so glad you came out! Thank you so much!" I tell her as I try to hold back more tears from falling.

"Like I'd miss this for anything? He was planning it for months! I love you sis! See ya soon!!" Regan yells as she presents her ticket and walks through the gate down the tunnel to their plane.
I stand there for a few minutes trying to dry my eyes and calm myself down. I can do this. I tell myself, turning to head back to my car.
I can do this!

"ALEX! W-WHERE YOU BEEN?!" I ask through my hiccups, giggling uncontrollably.

"Girl, you are cut off!" my roomate says as she takes my beer out of my hand and chugs the rest of it.

"HEY! But I've only had like two, or five, or..."

"Ten. You've had 10 Cara. And I've been next to you for the past hour," she claims while rolling her eyes. I start laughing again for no reason.

"I'll take her back. I'm heading home anyways." Trevor offers, helping me off the bar stool, draping my arm over his shoulder.  Trevor lives in the apartment across the hall from Alex and I, and we became friends when we realized he was also a USC student, a math major, in our off-campus apartment building. "I'll make sure she gets home safe."

"Thanks Trevor, I appreciate it!" Alex says as she turns back to her boyfriend.

"You bet," he replied with a smirk, and we walk away. Okay, I stumbled, he walked.

"Trev - am I pretty?" I slur once we reach the street, trying to get my long curly hair out my eyes with my free hand.

"You're gorgeous, Care, very fuckable." He answered, but the last two words were more of a mumble to himself.

I start laughing."What?!"

"Oh..Uh..um..very... beautiful is what I said". 

Beautiful? No one other than TJ has ever called me beautiful. My mind starts wandering. TJ... my fiancée. Things haven't seemed right the last few weeks. When he first left to go to Washington DC two months ago, things were perfect. But in the past three weeks, things are just, well, different. I usually get his voicemail now when I call him, and his texts are getting shorter and less frequent. Something is wrong, but he won't tell me what's on his mind.

"Cara?" Trevor interrupts my thoughts. "Oh don't cry beautiful! What's wrong?" I didn't realize a tear has slipped out.

"N-no-nothing. I'm fine."

Trevor looks at me suspiciously through his thick black framed glasses, he's such a math nerd, and smirks. "Trouble in paradise?" Just then, I notice we're in my bedroom. How'd we get in my apartment already?  Oh well, I lay back on my bed and cry. That's the last thing I remember.

Bad Dreams //mgcWhere stories live. Discover now