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*Cara's POV*

The rest of our Christmas vacation flew by and I think everyone had a great time. We arrived home late last night and now the reality of everything that's happened has hit me.

As I sit here in the police station, everything is finally sinking in. I just finished talking to the detective and wrote my statement. Michael wanted to come with me and he's in the room right now giving his statement. I don't think it will help, since I didn't even know him at the time, but they wanted to talk to him anyway.

My phone vibrates and I open a text message from Alex. Perfect timing I guess. I'm going to have to tell her anyway. Yet another person being drug into this.

To: Cara
Hey girl! How was your Christmas? Did TJ get you anything special?

To: Alex
Christmas was great but we have a lot of catching up to do!

To: Cara
You've only been gone a month! What's going on?

To: Alex
TJ cheated. We're not together anymore.

To Cara
Asshole! U ok?

To Alex
Yeah. I met someone.

To Cara
Ooooh do tell!!!

To Alex
Haha His name's Michael. He's in a band. He's absolutely amazing. I've never felt this way about anyone before!

To Cara
Wow! Love at first sight?

To Alex
Close enough. Ummm I need to tell you something

To Cara
You're pregnant?

To Alex

To Alex
It's about that night with Trevor.

To Cara
U remember what happened?

To Alex
Yeah. Um... Ur gonna get called into PD to give a statement.

To Cara
Fuck. Ur pressing charges? How bad?

To Alex
The worst

To Cara
FUCKING JACKASS! No wonder he moved out so quick. I haven't seen him since you left.

To Alex
Let Jason know. He's gonna get called in too.

To Cara
K. What's Michael have to say abt this?

To Alex
He's in talking to PD right now

To Cara
A) why? He wasn't there
B) u didn't answer my question

To Alex
A) He was there every time I remembered a new piece of what happened & I told him

To Alex
B) He's helping me through it. He's wonderful. U'd luv him

To Cara
Guess I'll be meeting him at some point!

To Cara
Jason's calling. I'll ttyl k?

To Alex
Sounds good. Tell him hi!
Miss u

To Cara
Miss u too

I put my phone away just as Michael comes out.

"Miss Davidson, Mr Clifford, thank you for your time. We will go ahead and move on this. We'll be in touch." the detective says as he shakes my hand.

"Thank you." I say and we leave.

"You okay, angel?" Michael asks as we get to his car.

"Yeah. I let Alex, my old roommate know."


We were silent the rest of the way back to Regan and I's townhouse.

Regan's not home when we get there, so Michael comes in with me and we head to my room and curl up on my bed. I feel safe in his arms. All my worries just disappear when he's holding me.

Now that he's being drug into my problems I feel horrible. I keep thinking about the things that the defense attorneys are going to try to do and I am really scared.

"They're going to rip me apart, you know?" I finally say.

"What do you mean?"

"The defense attorneys. They're going to try to make me out to be a total slut. I'm scared. I don't know how much of my past they're going to dig up. There are things I'm really ashamed of and I really hope that doesn't come up."

"Hey, it's all going to work out, ok? Nothing they say will ever change the way I feel about you."

That's what he says now.

I toss and turn. I have been for hours. Michael went home a few hours ago and now I can't stop thinking about all the mistakes I've made in my past that they could try to use to ruin me. Michael will find out about it all and I honestly don't see how he could still stick around after he hears it. I contemplate telling him ahead of time, on my terms, but then he'd leave me. His testimony will become jaded. I'm screwed either way. I'm losing Michael no matter what. My chest hurts so bad and I feel a tear hit my hand. I didn't realize I was crying, but now that I realize it, they start pouring out.

A light knock sounds on my door. "Come in" I manage to get out and quickly wipe the tears away. Calum pokes his head in the door, but staying at the doorway. He ended up staying the night with Regan.

"Hey. I was going to get a glass of water and heard you crying. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I start. Who am I kidding? "No. I'm just scared."

"Mind if I sit?" he asks. I sit up and motion for him to come in.

"It's normal to be scared. Lawyers are terrifying. What you went through is horrible. I know we haven't known you long, Cara, but its obvious how amazing of a person you are. Nobody deserves to go through what you did, and nothing anybody says will make me think otherwise."

"They're going to make me into a slut. There are things I've done that I'd rather forget. If Michael finds out, he won't want to be around me. And I can't blame him. It's so embarrassing and I hate myself for it." I can't stop the tears anymore.

"Cara, please stop beating yourself up. Michael loves you and nothing in your past will ever change that. Your past is just that - the past. The only thing that matters is who you are now."

"Thanks Calum."

"Anytime Cara. You want me to call Michael?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks."

"Okay. Good night."

"Good night Calum."

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